Sweet Time Lyrics

Cover art for『Porter Robinson - Sweet Time』from the release『Nurture』

Porter Robinson

Release: 2021.04.23
Lyricist: Porter Robinson
Composer: Porter Robinson

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The child I was, counting the days til the summer would come
you don’t live forever,
your mother will one day bring you home.

and I feel so stupid,
cus I wasn’t scared of this before
But since I met you,
I don’t wanna die no more

So take a long time,
cus oh, the world is lucky to be your home
I know
I need a next life, cus I’m not satisfied to know you just once

So take a long time,
cus oh, the world is lucky to be your home
I know
I need a next life –
not satisfied to know you just once

To live with dying,
wouldn’t you see our world as dark?
But I won’t spend time resenting the way things are

So take a long time,
oh, the world is lucky to be your home
I know
I need a next life – not satisfied to know you just once

So take a long time,
cus oh, the world is lucky to be your home
I know
I need a next life –
not satisfied to know you just once
So take a long time,
cus oh, the world is lucky to be your home
I know
I need a next life –
not satisfied to know you just once

And I won’t spend time resenting the way things are

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Artist: Porter Robinson
Status : Official Full

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  • Porter Robinson - Sweet Time Lyrics

Porter Robinson『Sweet Time』Music Video・PV

「Porter Robinson」Comment

This song is about being so in love with someone that, for the first time in your life, you’re scared of dying. You realize you aren’t guaranteed an eternity together. In the lyrics, I talk about going to find God to make sure she’s okay, and it makes me cry every time. I was bawling my eyes out in the studio, I could barely get the words out. In the end, though, it’s also an expression of gratitude, because the world is lucky to have her. Rika and I have been together four years, and honestly it’s really time for me to propose. But I wanted to wait until after the pandemic.

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Porter Robinson - Sweet Time Lyrics