1.Today is passing by again
2.Like the time for your life proceeds
3.Like limited numbers decrease
4.Like beautiful numbers increase5.
6.A treasure trove of memories
7.Old ones get stuffed in the back of the shelf
8.Even though it’s covered in dust
9.The dust seems to light up with pride10.
11.Even though
12.By my side
13.Anxiety Cheers Solidarity
14.A cloudy safe zone
15.Feels like your head is shaking
16.Morning fatigue
17.Platform 3 Semi-express train18.
19.Like a blue
20.Bitter springtime of lifetime
21.I’ll wait for you, right here
22.Lifetime wounds that start to hurt
23.I want to love them24.
25.Though we don’t have a way to find them
26.Us that tend to forget “That”
27.What do we go through and what do we obtain
28.To become grown ups29.
30.That one-time chance
31.Not to miss that opportunity
32.Always want to keep my heels up
33.But as it is difficult34.
35.Candidate for main character
36.Was the role I thought I was in
37.Like a role without a name
38.That can’t even make a spin-off39.
40.You’re just
41.By my side
42.When I sing about meaningless love
43.I don’t want to become a lier
44.Uneasy hunch in my chest
45.The morning estrangement
46.Shifting to ride the express train47.
48.Shadows hurt
49.There’s no value
50.As if I was alone
51.I don’t like the night
52.I don’t like you
53.I am a person who can’t be kind
54.The light hurts
55.I dislike hope
56.Makes me feel as if I’m alone
57.I hate night
58.Being alone scares me
59.The virtue of being selfish60.
61.Even the incomplete thoughts
62.I want to cherish it no matter what
63.Even on days full of anxiety
64.I try to love65.
66.Never have I felt
67.This shitty failure
68.All of this is what
69.Moves me70.
71.High five with this heartbeat of this earth
72.That summer I put in everything
73.It won’t fade, it won’t be forgotten
74.To live through today75.
76.Though we don’t have a way to find them
77.Us that tend to lose “them”
78.For what and for who
79.Do we grow our wounds80.
81.Like after the rain
82.How plants grow
83.There’s nothing that doesn’t have a meaning
84.Let’s believe so and proceed85.
86.Too much things with no answers
87.But it becomes a reason to love88.
89.The spring that we shared
90.Let’s remember it
91.Even if the bitterness piles up
92.It shines93.
94.Even flaws that are not worth it
95.Let’s admit it
96.I look at myself
97.And I love me98.
99.I am able to love myself.
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Thanks for translating the latest Mrs.Green Apple song as ever
I just want to make this site better since I ever donated to this site for my beloved Mrs.Green Apple’s song getting translated on this site.
Thank you, admin team!
You’re very welcome! It’s new and improved now, thank you for your continued support! ^^