Something Comforting Lyrics

Cover art for『Porter Robinson - Something Comforting』from the release『Something Comforting』

Porter Robinson

Release: 2020.03.11
Lyricist: Porter Robinson
Composer: Porter Robinson

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if i send this void away,
have i lost a part of me?
when you wake you’re bargaining
for the promise to come back

cause getting made you want more
and hoping made you hurt more
oh there must be
something wrong with me
and getting made you want more
and hoping made you hurt more
someone tell me
something comforting

take what you want, but you’re tied by the tooth
wasn’t it meant to relieve you?
so suffer the signs that you needed to change
heed all the ways you’d been thinking

cause getting made you want more
and hoping made you hurt more
oh there must be
something wrong with me
cause getting made you want more
and hoping made you hurt more
someone tell me
something comforting

something comforting
something comforting
something comforting
something comforting

something comforting
something comforting
something comforting
something comforting

something comforting

and hoping made you hurt more
oh there must be
something wrong with me
cause getting made you want more
and hoping made you hurt more
someone tell me
something comforting

oh, something comforting

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Apple Musicで聴く
Artist: Porter Robinson
Status : Official Full

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  • Porter Robinson - Something Comforting Lyrics

Porter Robinson『Something Comforting』Music Video・PV

「Porter Robinson」Comment

I wrote the main melody for this song in the back of a cab in New York in 2016. I remember listening to it over and over and over and over, feeling like, ‘All right, I need to make this into something real.’ Emotionally and lyrically, I feel like this song captures the essence of the album. It was the first thing I wrote that became the seed for everything that followed.

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Porter Robinson - Something Comforting Lyrics