50% Lyrics (Romanized)

Cover art for『Official HIGE DANdism - 50%』from the release『50%』

Official HIGE DANdism Official髭男dism

Cells at Work! Theme Song Hataraku Saibou はたらく細胞
Release: 2024.12.13
Lyricist: Satoshi Fujihara
Composer: Satoshi Fujihara
Arranger: Official HIGE DANdism

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English Translation: 50% English Translation
1.Koukai no nai you ni dareka ni hokoreru you ni ikite miyou da nante
2.Furuitatsu no wa ii kedo
3.Sutoresu ga attemo taenuku koto koso ga bigaku da nante iu nara
4.Koko de hitoiki tsukou5.
6.Kyousou no gimu wa nai ringu mo koosu mo nai
7.Dakara koso te ni suru shiawase mo arun darou8.
9.Fifty paa de ikitai no ni ne one hundred janakya dame nante
10.Oh itsu osowattan da kke? to
11.Ware ni kaette wari to sugu ni mata machigaete wo kurikaeshite suriheru made
12.Hai ni naru made waruku nee na wake ga nee!13.

14.Awa to kieta suroo raifu suberikon da kyuujitsu ni dareka no kagayaiteru sugata ni
15.Katte ni aseri kuyami genjou ni iradachi nemurenu mama asa ni naru chuuyaku gyakuten ga kuse ni naru
16.Tachidomatteru baai janai to omoi koshi wo ugokashi
17.Minotake ni awanai sokudo no toreddomiru ni nokkari
18.Korobi kaze hiki jikokanri mo dekinai jibun ni
19.Nani wo nashitogerareru to iu no darou?
20.Nante iwanai! Amari yamanai you ni yooi don! mo gooru mo nai
21.Kiroku mo nai jinsei mo aishitai
22.To wa ie gendai shakai sha nai
23.Ikiteku tame ni yaranai wake ni ikanai toki wa semete
24.Eighty paa kurai wo jougen ni shiyou mou make to ka dou demo ii yo
25.Jibun no yaritai koto dake nagaku tsuzuketai!26.
27.Kyousou no gimu wa nai ringu mo koosu mo nai
28.Dakara koso te ni suru shiawase mo arun darou29.
30.Fifty paa de ikitai no ni ne one hundred janakya dame nante
31.Oh itsu osowattan da kke? to
32.Ware ni kaette wari to sugu ni mata machigaete wo kurikaeshite suriheru made
33.Hai ni naru made naze ka nee34.
35.Tte ka kitto seoi komisugiteinai? Demo oroshitai wake janai?
36.Jibun no karada e no toikake wo wasurete wa ikenai sou iu koto mitai
37.Kokoro no katakori wo yurumeta nara saa Oh
38.Aratamete kyou kara orera wa fifty paasenteeji de!39.
40.Horumon chou nou kankei janku tsukare no jiritsu shinkei itawatte atsui hagu de
41.Zentai ki wo tsukende
42.Yasunde sonaete koko zo de dake de hanatte kimi no one hundred!!!43.
44.Fifty paa de ikitai no ni ne one hundred janakya dame nante
45.Oh itsu osowattan da kke? to
46.Ware ni kaette wari to sugu ni mata machigaete wo kurikaeshite suriheru made
47.Hai ni naru made naze ka nee48.
49.Tte ka kitto seoi komisugiteinai? Demo oroshitai wake janai?
50.Jibun no karada e no toikake wo wasurete wa ikenaisou iu koto mitai
51.Kokoro no katakori wo yurumeta nara saa Oh
52.Aratamete kyou kara orera wa fifty paasenteeji de!

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English: 50% English Translation

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Artist: Official HIGE DANdism Official髭男dism
Tie-in: Cells at Work! Hataraku Saibou はたらく細胞
(Based on):
Official Full

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Transliterated by:
Chief Editor, English Translator, Romaji TranscriberLyrical Nonsense

Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.

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(/・ω・)/ ☕彡 ヽ(^。^)ノ

  • Official HIGE DANdism - 50% Lyrics (Romanized)

  • Cells at Work! Theme Song Lyrics (Romanized)

  • Hataraku Saibou Theme Song Lyrics (Romanized)

1.後悔のないように 誰かに誇れるように 生きてみようだなんて
3.ストレスがあっても 耐え抜く事こそが美学だなんて言うなら
6.競争の義務はない リングもコースもない
9.[50]パーで生きたいのにね [100]じゃなきゃダメなんて
10.Oh いつ教わったんだっけ?と
11.我に返って 割とすぐにまた間違えてを繰り返して すり減るまで
12.灰になるまで 悪かねえ なわけがねえ!13.
14.泡と消えたスローライフ 滑り込んだ休日に 誰かの輝いてる姿に
15.勝手に焦り悔やみ 現状に苛立ち 眠れぬまま朝になる 昼夜逆転が癖になる
18.転び 風邪ひき 自己管理も出来ない自分に
20.なんて言わない! あまり病まないように よーいドン!もゴールもない
24.[80]パーくらいを上限にしよう もう負けとかどうでもいいよ
27.競争の義務はない リングもコースもない
30.[50]パーで生きたいのにね [100]じゃなきゃダメなんて
31.Oh いつ教わったんだっけ?と
32.我に返って 割とすぐにまた間違えてを繰り返して すり減るまで
33.灰になるまで なぜかねえ34.
35.ってかきっと背負い込み過ぎていない? でも下ろしたいわけじゃない?
36.自分の身体への問いかけを忘れてはいけない そう言う事みたい
37.心の肩こりを緩めたならさあ Oh
40.ホルモン腸脳関係 ジャンク疲れの自律神経 労って熱いハグで
42.休んで備えて ここぞでだけで 放って君の[100]%!!!43.
44.[50]パーで生きたいのにね [100]じゃなきゃダメなんて
45.Oh いつ教わったんだっけ?と
46.我に返って 割とすぐにまた間違えてを繰り返して すり減るまで
47.灰になるまで なぜかねえ48.
49.ってかきっと背負い込み過ぎていない? でも下ろしたいわけじゃない?
50.自分の身体への問いかけを忘れてはいけない そう言う事みたい
51.心の肩こりを緩めたならさあ Oh

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English: 50% English Translation

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Artist: Official HIGE DANdism Official髭男dism
Tie-in: Cells at Work! Hataraku Saibou はたらく細胞
1.To live without regrets, to live in a way you can be proud of—that’s a fine sentiment,
2.But even if you steel yourself for it,
3.If enduring stress and pushing through is supposed to be the pinnacle of beauty,
4.Then maybe it’s time to take a breather here.5.
6.There’s no obligation to compete—no ring, no racecourse.
7.And maybe that’s why there’s happiness to be found in its absence.8.
9.I’d like to live at 50%, but somehow, it’s like you’re only allowed to be at 100%.
10.Oh, when was it that we learned that?
11.Snapping back to my senses, only to mess up again right away, repeating the cycle until I’m worn out.
12.Until I burn to ash—isn’t that just ridiculous?13.
14.The slow life I dreamed of vanished like bubbles, slipping into a day off, only to be rattled by someone else’s shining success.
15.Growing restless, regretting, getting frustrated with the status quo, unable to sleep until morning, falling into the habit of flipped days and nights.
16.“I can’t afford to stand still,” I think as I force myself to move.
17.Hopping onto a treadmill that runs faster than I can handle,
18.Tripping, catching a cold, unable to even manage myself—
19.What could I possibly hope to achieve like this?
20.No, I won’t say that! Let’s aim to avoid breaking down too much. There’s no ready, set, go—or finish line, no records to break in this life.
21.I want to love that kind of life too.
22.But still, modern society doesn’t let us off the hook.
23.When you’ve got no choice but to push forward to survive,
24.At least set the limit at 80%.. I don’t care about winning or losing anymore.
25.I just want to keep doing what I truly enjoy, for as long as I can.26.
27.There’s no obligation to compete—no ring, no racecourse.
28.And maybe that’s why there’s happiness to be found in its absence.29.
30.I’d like to live at 50%, but somehow, it’s like you’re only allowed to be at 100%.
31.Oh, when was it that we learned that?
32.Snapping back to my senses, only to mess up again right away, repeating the cycle until I’m worn out.
33.Until I burn to ash—why does it have to be this way?34.
35.But hey, aren’t you maybe carrying too much on your shoulders? And yet, it’s not like you want to put it all down, is it?
36.Don’t forget to check in with your own body—it seems like that’s the key.
37.Loosen up the knots in your heart, and then, Oh,
38.Starting today, let’s settle at 50% as our baseline!39.
40.Hormones, gut-brain connection, the stress-fatigued autonomic nervous system—take care of it all with a warm hug.
41.Be mindful of your whole self.
42.Rest up, prepare yourself, and then, just when it really matters, unleash your 100%!43.
44.I’d like to live at 50%, but somehow, it’s like you’re only allowed to be at 100%.
45.Oh, when was it that we learned that?
46.Snapping back to my senses, only to mess up again right away, repeating the cycle until I’m worn out.
47.Until I burn to ash—why does it have to be this way?48.
49.But hey, aren’t you maybe carrying too much on your shoulders? And yet, it’s not like you want to put it all down, is it?
50.Don’t forget to check in with your own body—it seems like that’s the key.
51.Loosen up the knots in your heart, and then, Oh,
52.Starting today, let’s settle at 50% as our baseline!

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English: 50% English Translation

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Artist: Official HIGE DANdism Official髭男dism
Tie-in: Cells at Work! Hataraku Saibou はたらく細胞
Translated by:
Chief Editor, English Translator, Romaji TranscriberLyrical Nonsense

Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.

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Official HIGE DANdism『50%』Official Music Video


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Official HIGE DANdism - 50% Lyrics (Romanized)