Trying to Feel Alive Lyrics

Cover art for『Porter Robinson - Trying to Feel Alive』from the release『Nurture』

Porter Robinson

Release: 2021.04.23
Lyricist: Porter Robinson
Composer: Porter Robinson

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well, do you feel better now?
i thought i’d run until the sky came out
and with the sunlight on my face,
something changed

and just trying to feel alive,
you climbed a mountain —
are you satisfied?
as you stand at the top,
you already want to do this one more time

maybe it’s a gift that i couldn’t recognize
maybe i don’t really need to feel satisfied
maybe it’s a gift that i spend all this time
just trying to feel alive

maybe i don’t really wanna be satisfied
maybe it’s a gift that i couldn’t recognize
maybe this all –
maybe this was all …

and then somebody, somewhere finds the warmth of summer in the songs you write
maybe it’s a gift that i couldn’t recognize:
trying to feel alive

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Artist: Porter Robinson
Status : Official Full

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  • Porter Robinson - Trying to Feel Alive Lyrics

Porter Robinson『Trying to Feel Alive』Music Video・PV

「Porter Robinson」Comment

This song was me trying to make sense of the whole journey, trying to figure out what has changed. What did I learn? Am I any better? Am I satisfied? It was enormously difficult to write, but ultimately, the answer I came to is that satisfaction isn’t the real goal. If you accomplish everything you’re striving for, you’ll stop looking forward. There’s nowhere to go. This is another one where I was crying while writing it because I guess it was sort of a personal epiphany. Here I am on the other side of this, still struggling with making music, still not necessarily feeling whole, but beginning to understand that maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe that’s the point. Maybe making music is my way of trying to feel alive, over and over again.

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Porter Robinson - Trying to Feel Alive Lyrics