Mirror Lyrics

Cover art for『Porter Robinson - Mirror』from the release『Mirror』

Porter Robinson

Release: 2020.08.26
Lyricist: Porter Robinson
Composer: Porter Robinson

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Well, you were the aftermath
Of every judgment
So cold by the sweat that
You’ll waste away
And you carry your enemies
But they’re so familiar
I’m sick of the company
So I cull the shame

And I know you’ll say how I’m a burden
Yeah, do your worst, all at once
I know what you want from me (from me)
I know what you’re thinking
And it’s not the voice of all the others
You’ve only said it to yourself
I know what you want from me (from me)
I know what you’re thinking
Narrator: (They come to feel like things we’re saying to ourselves.)

An inch from my ears again:
“You should be sorry,”
A solemn man:
“A better song could fix my problems”
I’m tired of your questioning
You’re cut down too easily
And I don’t know what’s good for me
I can’t decide

And I know you’ll say how I’m a burden
Yeah, do your worst, all at once
I know what you want from me (from me)
I know what you’re thinking
And though they sound like one another
You’ve only said it to yourself
I know what you want from me (from me)
I know what you’re thinking
Narrator: “Now these voices have become our own.”

An inch from my ears again:
“You should be sorry,”
A solemn man:
“A better song could fix my problems”
I’m tired of your questioning
You’re cut down too easily
And I don’t know what’s good for me
I can’t decide

And I know you’ll say how I’m a burden
Yeah, do your worst, all at once
I know what you want from me (from me)
I know what you’re thinking
And it’s not the voice of all the others
You’ve only said it to yourself
I know what you want from me (from me)
I know what you’re thinking
And I know you’ll say how I’m a burden
Yeah, do your worst, all at once
I know what you want from me (from me)
I know what you’re thinking
And though they sound like one another
You’ve only said it to yourself
I know what you want from me (from me)
I know what you’re thinking

Sometimes, the inner voice is encouraging: Calling for you to run those final few yards;
You’re nearly there, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going. It will all be OK in
the end.

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Artist: Porter Robinson
Status : Official Full

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  • Porter Robinson - Mirror Lyrics

Porter Robinson『Mirror』Music Video・PV

「Porter Robinson」Comment

This song is about my critical inner voice and how much it was affecting me. I realized I had these inner demons that were represented by the nastiest things somebody might say to me on Twitter, or the meanest things music critics might say. And they got in my head. They affected me creatively, because every time I’d write something, it was really easy to imagine someone dissing it. But if you’re just trying to avoid something mean being said about your work, that’s the least vulnerable place you could possibly be in. You’re living in fear and shrinking yourself to avoid getting hurt. ‘Mirror’ is about my confrontation with that inner voice.

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Porter Robinson - Mirror Lyrics