Mother Lyrics

Cover art for『Porter Robinson - Mother』from the release『Nurture』

Porter Robinson

Release: 2021.04.23
Lyricist: Porter Robinson
Composer: Porter Robinson

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i was born
in a sudden embrace, i’m awake
so i study the shape of your face
you take what you’re given
“i only wanna do what’s good for you”

then at once,
i’m checking the doors and my weight
i can’t keep my hands from my face
i said, “mom, i’m so sorry,”
she smiled and said,
“darling, i don’t want you to worry cus

i’m on your side for the rest of your life
you’ll never be alone, don’t you worry my child
and now there’s an empty room you outgrew,
but i’m here for you

and i’ve known
the feeling you’ve had when you’re held
the comfort of being unwell
so something can cradle you
oh, i don’t need it
oh, i won’t grieve it

i’m on your side for the rest of your life
you’ll never be alone, don’t you worry my child
and now there’s an empty room you outgrew,
but i’m here for you

i’ll do right by you
i only wanna do what’s best for you

i’m on your side for the rest of your life
you’ll never be alone, don’t you worry my child
and though there’s an empty room you outgrew,
i’ll wait for you,

i’m on your side for the rest of your life
you’ll never be alone, don’t you worry my child
and now there’s an empty room you outgrew,
but i’m here for you

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Artist: Porter Robinson
Status : Official Full

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  • Porter Robinson - Mother Lyrics

Porter Robinson『Mother』Music Video・PV

「Porter Robinson」Comment

I wanted a song that expressed the love that I feel for my parents—as well as the grief of growing up. I felt like the minute I moved out, my youth would be over and I’d hardly ever see my family or dog again. In reality it wasn’t like that at all, I still see them all the time. But I wanted to capture the sad side of growing up—of realizing your parents aren’t infallible.

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Porter Robinson - Mother Lyrics