Get your Wish Lyrics

Cover art for『Porter Robinson - Get your Wish』from the release『Get your Wish』

Porter Robinson

Release: 2019.01.29
Lyricist: Porter Robinson
Composer: Porter Robinson

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i’ll make it right again
“but it’s no use,”
you said
as my hunger grows and grows
i have to write the meaning of my life
or else everything’s in vain

when the glory tries to tempt you,
Ii may seem like what you need
but if glory makes you happy, why are you so broken up?

so tell me how it felt when you walked on water?
did you get your wish?
floating to the surface
quicker than you sank
idol, idol

so tell me how it felt when you walked on water?
did you get your wish?
floating to the surface
quicker than you sank
idol, idol

don’t say you lose just yet,
get up and move ahead
and not only for yourself.
’cause that’s your role:
the work that stirred your soul,
you can make for someone else.

one day you choke
your urges overflow
and obsession wears you down
but don’t you waste the suffering you’ve faced
it will serve you in due time

so tell me how it felt when you walked on water?
did you get your wish?
floating to the surface
quicker than you sank
idol, idol

so tell me how it felt when you walked on water?
did you get your wish?
floating to the surface
quicker than you sank
idol, idol
so tell me

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Apple Musicで聴く
Artist: Porter Robinson
Status : Official Full

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  • Porter Robinson - Get your Wish Lyrics

Porter Robinson『Get your Wish』Music Video・PV

「Porter Robinson」Comment

When I started writing this album (Nurture), I was wrestling with some heavy questions: Why am I killing myself over this? What do I hope is going to happen that hasn’t happened yet? Why do I need to prove myself again? The answer that I came to, which you can hear in this song, was inspired by Bon Iver’s album 22, A Million. I found that album when my little brother had cancer. I really wasn’t able to make music at that time. But that album made me feel a few degrees brighter. More hopeful. And when I thought about how much that music meant to me, I realized that all that matters is making music that connects with people, that makes the world slightly less crappy. ‘Get Your Wish’ was the first time I was able to get back into the real state of play.

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Porter Robinson - Get your Wish Lyrics