1.As always, today I gaze at the lively city,
2.And I go on, choosing my own path.
3.A smile is surely a charm that calls for happiness,
4.Embracing everything.5.
6.Look, gently adding a magical spice to words,
7.I’ll hold you close.8.
9.Under the clear starry sky,
10.This is the transit station of shooting stars.
11.Let me dream a little more.
12.Satellite, we’ve come this far
13.To make “what if” come true, right?
14.Always aiming higher.15.
16.We carried baseless confidence, didn’t we?
17.We move forward with smiles, as our future shines bright.
18.Sometimes, we clash and misunderstand each other a bit,
19.But even that feels endearing, see?20.
21.Will you still like me?
22.I didn’t like myself when I tried to blend in with those around me out of insecurity.
23.But maybe that’s what I can do because it’s me,
24.This place gave me that realization.25.
26.I want to see scenery I’ve never seen before.
27.Will you hold me tight?28.
29.Satellite, I want
30.To make “what if” come true, because I’ve come this far.
31.Don’t look away now.
32.Under the clear starry sky,
33.This is the transit station of shooting stars.
34.I’ll make you dream a little more.
Translated by:
Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.
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