1.Left behind
2.It’s always on this side
3.It’s decided
4.Myself, grown cold
5.Putting off everything
6.About the future
8.Looking up, there’s nothing
9.Only the stains of life
10.Counting them
11.Looking down, there’s nothing
12.Yet tears fall with gravity13.
14.Ah… how sad
15.The light of dawn
18.As always
19.Today comes to an end
20.As always
21.Unable to do anything
22.As always
23.Today comes to an end
24.As always
25.Just as always26.
27.Always on the losing side
28.Whenever it is
29.It’s on this side
30.I understand
31.Cold meals
32.Cold glances
33.Awakened dreams
34.Hope? I laugh it off35.
36.Looking back, there’s nothing
37.The child version of myself glares
38.Looking forward, there’s a road with nothing
39.Stretching somewhere until death40.
41.Ah… how boring
42.The city at twilight
45.As always
46.Today comes to an end
47.As always
48.Unable to do anything
49.Hating the world
50.Hating everything
51.That self
52.I hate so much53.
54.As always
55.Today comes to an end
56.As always
57.Unable to do anything
58.As always
59.Today comes to an end
60.As always
61.Just as always
Translated by:
Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.
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