Kinen Satsuei English Translation

Original Title: 記念撮影


Release: 2017.07.04
Lyricist: Motoo Fujiwara
Composer: Motoo Fujiwara

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Original Lyrics: Kinen Satsuei Lyrics (Romanized)
Translated Title:
Commemerative Photo Shoot

In a place of unidentifiable time, we fell outside the commotion of our goals and motives.
We watched the colors of the sky change as they flew in unsteadily like a paper airplane.

Sitting with a single cola between us, we heard distant howling and the screeching of brakes.
We spoke as we pleased, we stayed silent as we pleased. Together, we traced an uncertain melody.

I think there’s no way I didn’t have things I wanted to do.
But when I try to remember, all I can think of are smiles and sighs.

You know, I’m sure
It’s okay if we remain lost. I think we can still reach anywhere we desire.
You already knew, and I’d already realized, we were under a magic spell that was going to end.

We whittled away the time, bit by bit, through average days that seemed like a repeat yesterday.
With each blink of our eyes, there were things we missed, or pretended to miss.

There was something hidden deep within our jokes and silence. It was so close, but we couldn’t touch it.
Shoved into my pocket, hidden away,
Were my keys, a rolled-up receipt, and my troublesome true feelings.

Shutters gathered in wait, lining up before the lens.
A moment so fun, somehow unfair, and far too bright.

I suffered the same injuries as always, standing in a future I didn’t expect.
We’re both there, watching me, from the unmoving scenery in the palm of my hand.

Surrounded by the commotion of our goals and motives, we learned, grew comfortable, and tried our best.
I thought I heard a distant howling and the screeching of brakes. Alone, I traced an uncertain melody.

Each thing we can’t put into words is like a paper airplane.
We sent them flying toward the world beyond that lens we’d once gazed at together.

Even if I start accumulating my very own yesterdays, standing in a future I didn’t expect,
The unchanging scenery that lies beneath will still be connected to this place.

It’s okay if we remain lost. I think we can still reach anywhere we desire.
You were smiling, and I was too, as we turned toward the outside of this ending magic spell.

I’m facing toward a future that has me in it.

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Apple Musicで聴く
Romaji: Kinen Satsuei Lyrics (Romanized)

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  • BUMP OF CHICKEN - Kinen Satsuei English Translation

  • BUMP OF CHICKEN - 記念撮影 English Translation

目的や理由のざわめきからはみ出した 名付けようのない時間の場所に
紙飛行機みたいに ふらふら飛び込んで 空の色が変わるのを見ていた

遠くに聞こえた 遠吠えとブレーキ 一本のコーラを挟んで座った
好きなだけ喋って 好きなだけ黙って 曖昧なメロディー 一緒になぞった

思い出そうとしたら 笑顔とため息の事ばかり

ねぇ きっと
迷子のままでも大丈夫 僕らはどこへでもいけると思う
君は知っていた 僕も気付いていた 終わる魔法の中にいた事

昨日と似たような繰り返しの普通に 少しずつこっそり時間削られた
瞬きの向こうに いろいろいくつも 見落としたり 見落としたふりしたり

あれほど近くて だけど触れなかった 冗談と沈黙の奥の何か
ポケットには鍵と 丸めたレシートと
面倒な本音を つっこんで隠していた

固まって待ったシャッター レンズの前で並んで
とても楽しくて ずるくて あまりに眩しかった

想像じゃない未来に立って 相変わらず同じ怪我をしたよ
掌の上の 動かない景色の中から 僕らが僕を見ている

目的や理由のざわめきに囲まれて 覚えて慣れて ベストを尽くして
聞こえた気がした 遠吠えとブレーキ 曖昧なメロディー 一人でなぞった

言葉に直せない全てを 紙飛行機みたいに
あの時二人で見つめた レンズの向こうの世界へ 投げたんだ

想像じゃない未来に立って 僕だけの昨日が積み重なっても
その昨日の下の 変わらない景色の中から ここまで繋がっている

迷子のままでも大丈夫 僕らはどこへでもいけると思う
君は笑っていた 僕だってそうだった 終わる魔法の外に向けて


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Apple Musicで聴く
Romaji Kinen Satsuei Lyrics (Romanized)

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BUMP OF CHICKEN『Kinen Satsuei』Official Lyric Video


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BUMP OF CHICKEN - Kinen Satsuei (記念撮影) English Translation Lyrics