SPARK-AGAIN English Translation



Tie-in: Fire Force Season 2 Enen no Shouboutai: Ni no Shou 炎炎ノ消防隊 弐ノ章
Release: 2020.09.09
Lyricist: aimerrhythm
Composer: Masahiro Tobinai

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Original Lyrics: SPARK-AGAIN Lyrics (Romanized)

I’ve experienced nothing but loss
But I won’t let go of the smoldering coals left behind
I won’t let go, ever
Even if there’s no right answer to this vague story
If I can just take a step forward…

People say, “everything’s done for”, but I’ll do something about it
Though I sometimes don’t even know what I should do
But if I’ve made up my mind, with a dream by my side
There won’t be anything left to doubt

Let it spark! Pull the trigger! Until black and white both return to ash
If there’s a crown to be claimed, I want it for myself…
I’ll fly through the air to where you are, until all my luck has run out
If I keep moping like a clown, all of creation will be beyond reach
I’ll show you a love that can burn even ash. I just spark again.

I go recklessly through the darkness
Searching for a glimpse of you. But I can’t reach you
I can’t reach you, but I’m still certain
Even with nothing, I rushed out before I had a chance to feel lost
If I can just be like I was back then…

Even without a fuse, I’ll light a fire in my heart
Even if I get lost along the way
But if I hold your hand firmly, with you by my side
There won’t be anything left to fear

Light shines through and I follow its lead… until the night, and my voice, reach their end
I’ve no desire to see an average dawn, I don’t even turn to see it
Answering the call, I face square ahead. Toward a future told only in black and white
I want to destroy that illusion before the fear overtakes me
I’ll show you a love that burns like the sun. I just spark again.

The things I’ve lost are innumerable
But there’s not a single thing I’ve sacrificed

Let it spark! Pull the trigger! Until black and white both return to ash
If there’s a crown to be claimed, I want it for myself…
I’ll fly through the air to where you are, until all my luck has run out
If I keep moping like a clown, all of creation will be beyond reach
I’ll show you a love that can burn even ash. I just spark again.

I’ll show you a love that burns like the sun. I just spark again.

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Romaji: SPARK-AGAIN Lyrics (Romanized)

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Artist: Aimer
Tie-in: Fire Force Season 2 Enen no Shouboutai: Ni no Shou 炎炎ノ消防隊 弐ノ章
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  • Aimer - SPARK-AGAIN English Translation

  • Fire Force Season 2 Opening Theme 1 English Translation

  • Enen no Shouboutai: Ni no Shou Opening Theme 1 English Translation

離さないから ずっと
曖昧 物語 正解なんてなくたって

「どうかしてる」って言うけど どうにかしてあげるよ
どうなったらいいかさえ わからなくなるけど

火花散って 火蓋切って 白か黒も灰にかえるまで
風を切って 君のほうへ 1 か 8 か 0 に変えるまで
ふさぎ込んだ道化師(クラウン)なら 森羅万象 はじまんないよ
灰も焦がすよな愛をみせるから I just spark again.

暗闇 やみくもに
届かないけど きっと
何にもないくせに 戸惑う前に飛び出した

導火線がなくても 心に火 灯すよ
どこに行くのかさえ わからなくなっても

光さして 照らす方へ いつか夜も声も果てるまで
ありふれた DAWN なら もういらない 目もくれない
声を聞いて 前を向いて 白か黒で語るだけの未来
怖気づいてしまう前に そんな幻想 消し去りたいよ
太陽みたいな愛をみせるから I just spark again.

捨ててしまったものなど 何もない

火花散って 火蓋切って 白か黒も灰にかえるまで
風を切って 君のほうへ 1 か 8 か 0 に変えるまで
ふさぎ込んだ道化師(クラウン)なら 森羅万象 はじまんないよ
灰も焦がすよな愛をみせるから I just spark again.

太陽みたいな愛で照らすから I just spark again.

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Romaji SPARK-AGAIN Lyrics (Romanized)

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Artist: Aimer
Tie-in: Fire Force Season 2 Enen no Shouboutai: Ni no Shou 炎炎ノ消防隊 弐ノ章

Aimer『SPARK-AGAIN』Official Music Video (Short ver.)


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Aimer - SPARK-AGAIN English Translation Lyrics