2.With words lighter than my heart
3.I thoughtlessly made you angry
4.I couldn’t even bring myself to say, “I’m sorry”
5.The sound of my heartbeat was so loud6.
7.When was it
8.I decided to stop this and
9.Let go of the carefully stacked building blocks
10.I touched the fingertips swaying to the heartbeat
11.Before everything collapses12.
13.Yes, the seeds of worries
14.Always (always)
15.Revolve around
16.Someone else
18.And the future
19.Hey, the more I think, the faster
20.The pulsating rhythm becomes
21.If only I could carve it
22.More skillfully
23.More beautifully24.
25.Even if my legs freeze
26.Even if my voice trembles
27.Ignoring all that
28.With my heart left behind
29.The beat continues to accelerate
30.Even though I’m not ready yet31.
32.Following the prescribed path to the right
33.So as not to deviate
34.I was left behind, organized
35.The days are accelerating
36.How did I used to walk
37.What kind of person was I38.
39.I’ve always been looking from afar
40.The future I’ve always looked forward to
41.Has always been getting closer
42.Always, always43.
44.The truly important things
45.Always (everyone)
46.Are left unspoken
47.The crucial parts
48.The future
49.Even now, the more I think
50.The less I understand
51.If only I could proceed
52.More coolly
53.More confidently54.
55.Even if my legs freeze
56.Even if my voice trembles
57.Ignoring all that
58.With my heart left behind
59.The beat continues to accelerate
60.It feels like it might tear apart61.
62.The “I’m sorry” stuck in my throat
63.The trembling fingertips
64.Whenever I think, deep in my chest
65.It hurts as my pulse beats
66.Only when I touch
67.Irreplaceable things
68.Things to be loved69.
71.The bouncing heartbeat
72.The sound it made
73.Has always been telling me
74.What is truly important to me
76.I don’t need the “likeness”
77.Imposed by someone78.
80.Let my heartbeat resonate81.
82.Not anyone else’s
83.My own proof
84.Ring proudly
85.With a heart on the verge of breaking
86.Let it ring
87.My unique proof in the world88.
89.I’ve always been looking from afar
90.The future I’ve always looked forward to
91.Is getting closer and closer
92.Always, always93.
94.What I’ve always been
95.Searching for
96.Was always nearby
97.Always, always98.
99.This is the sign of a new beginning
Translated by:
Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.
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