1.You were looking at the scenery of
2.The town you said had become beautiful lately,
3.The setting sun enveloping everything,
4.It reminded you of that day somehow.5.
6.Who are you waiting for? Always on the usual embankment,
7.Maybe even as an adult, on the way back home,
8.The wind carried away memories, smells, and voices,
9.“Are you crying?” “No, I’m not.”
10.Soon, the railway crossing opens.11.
12.Ah, please don’t go anywhere,
13.Because I can go anywhere now.
14.Tears are flowing, I’ve taken a step forward,
15.Under the changing sky, my heart is screaming.16.
17.That’s why I’m singing, my heart beating faster,
18.Irresistibly towards a tight embrace.
19.I want to remember, so I lifted my face,
20.It’s so beautiful,
21.This place, the future from here.22.
23.The peeling poster at the station,
24.Seasons, rolled-up fireworks and festivals,
25.Children’s voices and the metallic sound echoing in the sky,
26.Ball’s shadow, asphalt,
27.Tokyo I saw.28.
29.Hey, stay the same,
30.Because I can become anything.
31.It’s important to shed tears,
32.Because even if I can’t go back, I’m looking back.33.
34.Happy things and sad things are evenly spaced,
35.The more they become the past, the more beautiful they seem.
36.I want to see ahead, so I lifted my face,
37.If the sun rises, I want to burn it into my eyes.38.
40.I’ll forget, but please don’t forget
41.I’ll plant morning glory seeds,
42.Even if I become the wind, a transparent signal,
43.With a force that feels like it’s pushing my back.44.
45.My heart, which is still beating fast, is singing,
46.Towards a tight embrace that makes me want to cry.
47.…But sometimes, you know, I remember
48.I want to go back, I have to go, hey49.
50.This place is so beautiful,
51.With you,
52.Still, the future from here.53.
Translated by:
Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.
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