You, Me, Love Lyrics (Romanized)

Cover art for『King & Prince - You, Me, Love』from the release『Re:Sense』
Original Title: ユメラブ (You, Me, Love)

King & Prince

Release: 2021.07.21
Lyricist: Atsushi ShimadaKenichi SakamuroMasahiro Ochi
Composer: Atsushi ShimadaKenichi SakamuroMasahiro Ochi

Transliterated (romaji) lyrics for this song are still waiting to be completed by our dedicated staff.

In the meantime, explore the original lyrics here!

If you would like to submit your own romaji transliteration for this song, please use the form below:

1.Just tell me how do you feel about me?
2.Hey baby, Love you more and more
3.Just tell me この想い届け4.
5.今世紀最大のチャンスがUp coming
7.感情は最高潮 真夏のVenus
11.君に恋焦がした 熱い想い 今すぐに伝えなきゃ12.
13.Give me baby
14.You, Me, Love, Kissin’ me You, Me, Love, La
16.もっと そばでもっと 君を見つめていたい
17.Tell me baby
18.You, Me, Love, Kissin’ me You, Me, Love, La
21.こんなにEverything, Everything for you
22.Everlasting 届け この想いよ23.
24.Just tell me how do you feel about me?
25.Hey baby, Love you more and more
26.Just tell me この想い届け27.
28.無邪気な笑顔で 僕の手をぎゅっと
30.想定外恋模様 眩しいマーメイド
31.恋のWave 乗りこなせ32.
34.君に恋焦がした 熱い想い 今すぐに伝えなきゃ35.
36.Miss you baby
37.You, Me, Love, Kissin’ me You, Me, Love, La
38.波打つ気持ち叫ぶSummer love
39.きっと 君もきっと 同じ気持ちでいて
40.Tell me baby
41.You, Me, Love, Kissin’ me You, Me, Love, La
44.こんなにEverything, Everything for you
45.Everlasting 届け この想いよ46.
47.Love you, Miss you love 夢中で恋してる
48.星空が僕ら優しく包んでゆく Wow…49.
50.Give me baby
51.You, Me, Love, Kissin’ me You, Me, Love, La
52.夢で逢えたら叫ぶSummer love
53.もっと そばでもっと 君を見つめていたい
54.Tell me baby
55.You, Me, Love, Kissin’ me You, Me, Love, La
58.こんなにEverything, Everything for you
59.Everlasting 届け この想いよ60.
61.Just tell me how do you feel about me?
62.Hey baby, Love you more and more
63.Just tell me この想い届け
Artist: King & Prince
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  • King & Prince - You, Me, Love Lyrics (Romanized)

  • King & Prince - ユメラブ (You, Me, Love) Lyrics (Romanized)


King & Prince『You, Me, Love』Video

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King & Prince - You, Me, Love (ユメラブ (You, Me, Love)) Lyrics