1.Even if I’d known
2.That I’d want it more and more
3.I’d have kept it hidden in the sky
4.Leaving it to the stars5.
6.If we hadn’t met
7.My life would’ve stayed unfulfilled
8.Yet, it’s still somewhat painful
9.And kind of frustrating10.
11.I wanna see you now
12.Really wanna see you right now
13.With the welling of emotions, my heart’s beating wildly
14.I wanna see you
15.Even in my dreams
16.I just pray I get to see you17.
18.What are you doing now?
19.What are you thinking about?
20.Even though I don’t know everything21.
22.Light of the half-missing moon
23.Shining gently
24.Like looking for the other half
25.Halfmoon rhapsody26.
27.The impossible dream
28.The unrequited love
29.I couldn’t hide it, I just let it go by
30.Still my heart’s beating faster
31.It’s racing and bleeding
32.The sound’s just getting louder33.
34.Hope it’ill reach you35.
36.Through a reckless trajectory
37.In a chaotic arc
38.My mind has hurtled out of control
39.If I keep falling down
40.I’ll end up somewhere
41.But I wanna meet you there42.
43.I wanna see you now
44.Wanna hold you right now
45.With the welling of emotions, my heart’s beating wildly46.
47.To trace
48.The rising expectations
49.I’m just gonna follow the sound
50.To chase after
51.The rising expectations
52.I’m just gonna follow the sound53.
54.I wanna see you
55.Even in my dreams
56.I just pray I get to see you57.
58.I love you
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