1.From a distant galaxy,
2.Delivering to you a space opera! (Yes!)3.
4.A spaceship made from junk,
5.Loaded with an overflowing heart,
6.Searching for your signal,
7.Now! Let’s fly from this planet!8.
9.Check, check! Is the course okay?
10.It will be okay if you just go!
11.Now, jack, jack! Hijack the radio waves!
12.Found it! Your receiving antenna!13.
14.Finally, we met, no matter
15.Where you are, I’ll find you,
16.This feeling (Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)
17.Riding on a song,18.
19.To the whole universe, it’s wonderful!20.
21.O! P! E! R! A! Space opera! To you!
22.Delivering an aria,
23.Feelings (Yes!) Love (Yes!)
24.So grand they can’t be fully conveyed,25.
26.O! P! E! R! A! But it’s okay,
27.Your smile, your tears,
28.Even clumsy affection,
29.I’ll load it all up,30.
31.Now, latatatatatatata taratta,
32.Sing, lutututututututu tulluttu,
33.From a small star’s perspective, even tragedy
34.Looks like comedy from the universe! Yay!35.
36.Latatatatatatata taratta,
37.Sing, lutututututututu tulluttu,
38.Fell in love from a faraway distance,
39.Delivering to you a space opera! (Yes!)40.
41.Overlapping frequencies, connecting signals (Signal!)
42.Let me hear your cadenza (Cadenza!)
43.Glittering dots in the night sky (Merge!)
44.Falling staves drawing constellations,45.
46.I’ve been searching all along,
47.For the meaning of creating songs again,
48.Not even understanding feelings yet,
49.La la la la la la,50.
51.When it reaches far and resonates,
52.When you give this song meaning,
53.(Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)
54.You gave it meaning!55.
56.This universe is still wonderful!57.
58.Opera, space opera,
59.This isn’t a drama,
60.You and (Yes!) I are (Yes!)
61.Living in this universe now!62.
63.O! P! E! R! A! Such a miracle!
64.This comedy and tragedy,
65.The excitement of meeting you,
66.I want to load it all up!67.
68.Now, latatatatatatata taratta,
69.Sing, lutututututututu tulluttu,
70.From a small star’s perspective, even tragedy
71.Looks like comedy from the universe! Yay!72.
73.Latatatatatatata taratta,
74.Sing, lutututututututu tulluttu,
75.Sing of the galaxy far away with you,
76.A space opera! Yes!77.
78.Creating a space opera with you.
Translated by:
Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.
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