1.Driven by admiration, I became accustomed to finding faults.
2.I thought the shadow cast before me was myself.3.
4.When I lift my eyes, there are countless lights.5.
6.The words you gave me that day, the tears of joy and smiles,
7.I’ve been supported many times to come this far.
8.Thank you, don’t overdo it.
9.Always stay well, Dear Blue.10.
11.The message I read when I was hurt and about to break,
12.I gained courage from seeing you struggling in the same way.13.
14.After wiping away the tears, let’s start walking.15.
16.I want to deliver this voice so that you, who are doing your best, won’t be alone,
17.so that you won’t be defeated by anxiety.
18.I know, it’s okay.
19.Let’s move forward together, Dear Blue.20.
21.With the blue light as a guidepost.22.
23.The words you gave me that day, the tears of joy and smiles,
24.I’ve been supported many times to come this far.
25.Thank you, don’t overdo it.
26.From now on, stay well.
27.Let’s keep laughing together, Dear Blue.
Translated by:
Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.
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