1.I’ll become a spaceship and set out on a journey
2.To an extraordinarily distant place
3.Like the edge of the galaxy
4.Or the end of the world5.
6.I wonder what kind of ghosts are waiting
7.Drifting and tripping along8.
9.Just like water
10.Touching a transparent form
11.Even crazy fantasies
12.Like piercing the moon
13.Wouldn’t it be boring if we didn’t enjoy it?14.
15.Swallowing down the sacred and the wicked
16.Gulp, gulp
17.Playing hide-and-seek
18.With another eye19.
20.Come on, shift between both dimensions
21.Everyone is tripping22.
23.With wings of humor
24.Swimming through the debris
25.If it’s a faint flame
26.Isn’t that exactly romance?
27.The excitement can’t be stopped anymore28.
29.Hey, how’s it going over there?
30.Wishing you success in your dreams
32.How’s the channel?
33.Found it in the shadow and the light
34.The hint is this35.
36.Encountering the unknown
37.Touching fingertips, changing
38.Crazy fantasies
39.Like piercing the moon
40.Wouldn’t it be boring if we didn’t enjoy it?
Translated by:
Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.
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