1.When we packed only dreams, it was like a Hiace that couldn’t carry anything
2.From there began each of our unending, long dreams3.
4.Not afraid, with nothing to protect
5.The time when we just sang as we pleased6.
7.The us from those days are watching today from afar
8.Smiling at the faded memories
9.Being gently blown by a gentle breeze10.
11.A stage where we couldn’t even stop, pushed to the limit
12.We sang, clinging as if to grasp it, repeating our worries and fatigue13.
14.Becoming scared, with many things to protect
15.Days of hiding the overflowing pain16.
17.Even those tears from back then, they’re tears that were necessary
18.If we can grasp a future where we can say that, let’s move on to the next
19.Being gently blown by a gentle breeze20.
21.Gazing at the blue and spring that had melded together
22.How many albums have we gone through? I wonder23.
24.The us from those days are watching today from afar
25.Smiling at the faded memories26.
27.Even those tears from back then, they’re tears that were necessary
28.If we can grasp a future where we can say that, let’s move on to the next29.
30.Being gently blown by a gentle breeze
Translated by:
Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.
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