Baby's Alright Lyrics (Romanized)

Cover art for『[Alexandros] - Baby's Alright』from the release『But wait. Cats?』


Roppongi Class Theme Song 六本木クラス
Release: 2022.07.13
Lyricist: Yoohei Kawakami
Composer: Yoohei Kawakami

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1.I’m waking up now that the sun is dead
2.Owaranai yoru yo nemurenai yoru yo
3.I need some coffee and I like it black
4.Namanurui yume kara mezameru yo5.
6.Atto iu ma yo wa utsuroi de
7.Hagureta watashi wo tsukiotoshite iku
8.Dou nattatte iki hisomete
9.Kakureta watashi e hikizurikonde
10.Yarou ze11.
12.I never wanna say good bye
13.Itsuka idaiteita jibun no risouzou ga kowasarete iku mae ni
14.I’m never gonna give it up
15.It’s Alright (It’s Alright)
16.“You all need to calm down”
17.Baby’s Alright18.

19.Massakasama ni hikkuri kaette
20.Korogeochitatte gyakuten no maku ga aketeku
21.Utakatairo no higeki wa watashi wo tsutatte
22.Kigeki ni nurikawatte iku23.
24.Nighty night although the moon is gone
25.Odoreru machi yo nemurenu machi yo
26.I need some soup with lots of spice and salt
27.Sechigarai jidai omoshirogatte
28.Yarou ze29.
30.I guess it’s time to say good bye
31.Itsuka idaiteita jibun no risouzou wo koete iku tame ni
32.I’m never gonna give it up
33.It’s Alright (It’s Alright)
34.“You all need to calm down”
35.Baby’s Alright36.
37.Massakasama ni hikkuri kaette
38.Kizu darake ni natte tesaguri demo agakeba
39.Tatta hitotsu no kono neiro wa doumyaku wo tadotte
40.Akai chi wo megurashite iku41.
42.Baby’s Alright
43.Daidonden gaeshi oto naru hou e
44.Watashi no yukusue otozure yo45.
46.Baby’s Alright
47.Aigo no saigo oto naru hou e
48.Watashi no yukusue e to49.
50.Baby’s Alright51.
52.Massakasama ni hikkuri kaette
53.Koroge ochitatte gyakuten no maku ga aketeku
54.Tatta hitotsu no kono kigeki wa watashi wo tsutatte
55.Higeki wo nuritsubushite iku56.
57.Baby’s Alright
58.Daidonden gaeshi oto naru hou e
59.Watashi no yukusue otozure yo60.
61.Baby’s Alright
62.Saigo no saigo oto naru hou e
63.Watashi no yukusue e to64.
65.Baby’s Alright

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Artist: [Alexandros]
Tie-in: Roppongi Class 六本木クラス
(Based on):
Official Full

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Chief Editor, English Translator, Romaji TranscriberLyrical Nonsense

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  • [Alexandros] - Baby's Alright Lyrics (Romanized)

  • Roppongi Class Theme Song Lyrics (Romanized)

1.I’m waking up now that the sun is dead
2.終わらない夜よ 眠れない夜よ
3.I need some coffee and I like it black
6.あっという間 世は移ろいで
12.I never wanna say good bye
14.I’m never gonna give it up
15.It’s Alright (It’s Alright)
16.“You all need to calm down”
17.Baby’s Alright18.
20.転げ落ちたって 逆転の幕が開けてく
21.泡沫色の悲劇は 私を伝って
24.Nighty night although the moon is gone
25.踊れる街よ 眠れぬ街よ
26.I need some soup with lots of spice and salt
27.世知辛い時代 面白がって
30.I guess it’s time to say good bye
32.I’m never gonna give it up
33.It’s Alright (It’s Alright)
34.“You all need to calm down”
35.Baby’s Alright36.
38.傷だらけになって 手探りでも足掻けば
39.たった一つのこの音色は 動脈を辿って
42.Baby’s Alright
43.大ドンデン返し 音鳴る方へ
46.Baby’s Alright
47.最後の最後 音鳴る方へ
50.Baby’s Alright51.
53.転げ落ちたって 逆転の幕が開けてく
54.たった一つのこの喜劇は 私を伝って
57.Baby’s Alright
58.大ドンデン返し 音鳴る方へ
61.Baby’s Alright
62.最後の最後 音鳴る方へ
65.Baby’s Alright

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Artist: [Alexandros]
Tie-in: Roppongi Class 六本木クラス

[Alexandros]『Baby's Alright』Music Video・PV


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[Alexandros] - Baby's Alright Lyrics (Romanized)