The Heliosphere Lyrics

Cover art for『tei - The Heliosphere』from the release『because』


Release: 2024.01.31
Lyricist: tei
Composer: tei
Arranger: tei

Wandering between life and death
on a journey without answers
still moving forward
Where is it?
In a black and white world
scars hurt fog with no end in sight
and a dry throat

Is it shouting out?
Does it hold the answer?
I thought it was only you
but that was a misunderstanding

There’s no need to stack definite sounds
Should be free
Because it is new
That’s the reason to live
Isn’t it?
There is a range the wind can reach
There is meaning in complexity
As long as there’s a heliosphere

Is it shouting out?
Does it hold the answer?
I thought it was only you
but that was a misunderstanding

The heliosphere
The heliosphere
The heliosphere
The heliosphere

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Artist: tei
Status : Official Full

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tei - The Heliosphere Lyrics