Black tar Lyrics

Cover art for『SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mpi/David Whitaker - Black tar』from the release『Xenoblade Chronicles X Original Soundtrack』

SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mpi/David Whitaker

Xenoblade Chronicles X Image Song ゼノブレイドクロス
Release: 2015.05.20
Lyricist: mpi / David Whitaker
Composer: Hiroyuki SAWANO
Related Artists: SawanoHiroyuki[nZk] mpi ・ David Whitaker
1.Not even a distant land
2.We’re stuck on a whole different planet
3.No peace lookin’ at the sky4.
5.Trouble’s always all around so we stay quick with
6.the guns and cannons
7.Standing as long as we can until we get all Dolls up8.
9.Then call all bets off
10.We’ll blow through your tar
11.Dealing with lives messed up12.

13.On a sea of dark matter
14.Every minute matters
15.Living while other lives shatter16.
17.Seeing ghosts scatter
18.As they pour out
19.We can handle them20.
21.It’s the tar taking over that came unexpected
22.Hard to accept it
23.Getting marked for death24.
25.Seeing friends snatched and darkly possessed26.
27.The tar inside stealing the body and breath
28.Till only a shell is left
29.Witness to Hell in the flesh
30.A fight to the death
31.Screaming Where’s the relief?
32.Maybe no more sleep33.
34.All swallowed in grief
35.Images Start to stalk like a beast
36.I hear voices but no one talking to me…37.
38.It’s like I’m washing away
39.All my peaceful days
40.Anyway Anyhow
41.Nothing left of that scene
42.If you are losing your way
43.You need some protection
44.Black tar, it gets you
45.Where ever you go
46.They could find you quickly, it’s sticky
47.However you try to tough it out
48.You just can’t beat them49.
50.They said seek to find the field So we can sharpen skills
51.But Now we can only feel
52.All the pain of the danger being real
53.And we may have to kill
54.Just to stay alive
55.‘Cause They’ve taken away close mates
56.And we don’t know our own fates57.
58.We’ve been tasked to protect and take on ghosts
59.But now this black tar is new
60.And the damage is quick
61.It moves really fast
62.Plus it covers everything
63.This wasn’t in the profile64.
65.So Now We’ve got to find a way to win or we die out
66.Living life on the run
67.With a hand on a gun
68.Where’s the exits
69.We can’t go back where we came from
70.We can’t go back where we came from71.
72.Get armed, Don’t look back
73.Shoot them with your guns
74.Yes, Get up, Don’t give up
75.Shoot them
76.All the power you got77.
78.Hello… ? Is this thing on? Am I all alone?
79.Is anyone there?
80.I need a bigger gun Help if you can81.
82.Please wake me up
83.Not to sound cliche
84.But this world sucks!85.
86.So close it’s a voice I’m hearing
87.Overwhelms me, Can’t stop bleeding
88.Show me …….. in the fog
89.How many times you gotta kill your friends?
90.How do you feel you gotta shoot their head?
91.Just like the endless war
94.How do I know?
95.This goddamn stuff is all around
96.How can I get out?
97.This nightmare I’ve got to escape
98.Just screaming
99.You hear them over and over
100.You will get running
101.So we can find the way to get out102.
103.We’re stuck on a different planet
104.A lot more than we can manage
105.But we gotta keep on standing
106.We’re stuck on a different planet
107.A lot more than we can manage
108.But we gotta keep on standing
109.Just want live in peace yet
110.Black tar’s gonna keep us restless
111.Running just to keep our own breaths112.
113.People are dripping black tar
114.It’s taken a ship down so far
115.Don’t wanna lose hope
116.But here we are
117.Wishing to see the sunrise
118.But the sun doesn’t rise in this sky
119.Black Tar covers most eyes

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Apple Musicで聴く
Artist: SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mpi/David Whitaker
Tie-in: Xenoblade Chronicles X ゼノブレイドクロス
Status : Official Full

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  • SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mpi/David Whitaker - Black tar Lyrics

  • Xenoblade Chronicles X Image Song Lyrics


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Black tar Lyrics