The Savior Lyrics

Cover art for『Nothing's Carved in Stone - The Savior』from the release『By Your Side』

Nothing's Carved in Stone

Release: 2019.09.25
Lyricist: Nothing's Carved in Stone
Composer: Nothing's Carved in Stone

I think out loud
I think out loud
Right into your brain

You understand
You understand
We can do this way

You’re going to know clearly
That we must do it ourselves
We’re gonna blow a hole out
So we belong
yeah yeah yeah

The ember

“We need to save a soul”
I used to say
And now the time has come go save yourself
“We need to save a soul”
I used to say
And now the time has come go save yourself

No more standing still
Just like you will do…
No more standing still
Just like you will do…

Secret in your heart
Hidden so deep down
No one has ever seen before
Ready to go now
You always had it
Everything burns out in the end
Secret in your heart
Hidden so deep down
No one has ever seen before
Ready to go now
You always had it
No one could be the savior to your soul but you

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Apple Musicで聴く
Artist: Nothing's Carved in Stone
Status : Official Full

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Nothing's Carved in Stone - The Savior Lyrics