Like a Shooting Star Lyrics

Cover art for『Nothing's Carved in Stone - Like a Shooting Star』from the release『Existence』

Nothing's Carved in Stone

Release: 2016.12.14
Lyricist: Nothing's Carved in Stone
Composer: Nothing's Carved in Stone

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And I’m walking
In the blackhole
Acting like I know everything

Like a prison
Only reason
Waiting for the truth

She does not leave
From the bedroom
Thinking that her life is complete

Like a prison
Same as myself
So afraid to lose

In the badlands
Don’t look for help
Seeking hope in choices I make

And I’m walking
In the blackhole
Acting like I know everything now
Until that time

You’re like a shooting star
A blink of life cause
In your hands
And in your heart
You hold so many scars it
Makes you shine so bright

And I’m walking
In the blackhole
Acting like I know everything

She does not leave
From the bedroom
Waiting for the truth

You’re like a shooting star
A blink of life cause
In your hands
And in your heart
You hold so many scars it
Makes you shine

You’re like a shooting star
Fighting this craziness in life
The fight goes on

You’re like a shooting star
A blink of life cause
In your hands
And in your heart
you hold so many scars it
Makes you shine

I know this for a fact
Your burning will
To change the world with
In your hands
A shooting star

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Artist: Nothing's Carved in Stone
Status : Official Full

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Nothing's Carved in Stone - Like a Shooting Star Lyrics