Jiyuu no Tsubasa English Translation

Original Title: 自由の翼

Linked Horizon

Tie-in: Attack on Titan Shingeki no Kyojin 進撃の巨人
Release: 2013.07.10
Lyricist: Revo
Composer: Revo
Original Lyrics: Jiyuu no Tsubasa Lyrics (Romanized)
Translated Title:
Wings of Freedom

Oh, my friend!
This is victory!
It’s the first moment of glory!
Oh, my friend!
Let’s celebrate this victory and head on to the next battle!

“His was a pointless death.”
I won’t let such a thing be said of me
Until I’m the last 《arrow》 left soaring through this sky……

The enemy is merciless… we’ll bring them down…
The enemy is colossal… we’ll jump on high…

In each of our hands is 《Steel Glory》! The song we sing is a 《Song of Victory》! Upon our backs are 《Wings of Freedom》!
Resolve clutched tightly to our left breast— slicing through in a 《Spiral of Folly》— we dance across the blue sky————
With Wings of Freedom!

Birds hatch from their shells for the purpose of taking flight—not crawling hideously across the ground.
For what purpose do your wings exist? The sky inside your cage is surely too cramped.

Freedom and death. The two are twins.
Freedom or death?
Only one of them is our friend!

I don’t know any of the complicated details… like what purpose we were born to fulfill…
But even if it were merely a mistake… I know the purpose I’m living for now…
It can’t be defined… by logic. It’s a 『freedom』… inherent in our existence!

Wings of Freedom.

The hidden truth will be a disruptive arrow.
《Titans》 lurk in the sealed off 《depths》, amidst the dark… and on the 《surface》, beneath the light.
Preconceived notions crumble away. Accepting our misgivings, we’ll still proceed toward our 『freedom』!!!

To the right?
To the left?
Well, which is it?
Human, which are you?

In each of our hands is an 《instrument of war》! The song we sing is a 《song of hope》! Upon our backs are 《Wings of Freedom》!
With the chains that tie this world together clutched tightly to your chests— orchestrating the other side of possibility— dance across the blue sky————
With Wings of Freedom!

*These parts do not appear in the lyric book, but have been transliterated by LN staff.

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Romaji: Jiyuu no Tsubasa Lyrics (Romanized)
Artist: Linked Horizon
Tie-in: Attack on Titan Shingeki no Kyojin 進撃の巨人
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  • Linked Horizon - Jiyuu no Tsubasa English Translation

  • Linked Horizon - 自由の翼 English Translation

  • Attack on Titan Opening Theme 2 English Translation

  • Shingeki no Kyojin Opening Theme 2 English Translation

O mein Freund!
Jetzt hier ist ein Sieg.
Dies ist der erste Gloria.
O mein Freund!
Feiern wir diesen Sieg, für den nächsten Kampf!


Der Feind ist grausam… Wir bringen…
Der Feind ist riesig… Wir springen…

両手には《鋼刃》 唄うのは《凱歌》 背中には《自由の翼》
握り締めた決意を左胸に 斬り裂くのは《愚行の螺旋》 蒼穹を舞う————

鳥は飛ぶ為に其の殻を破ってきた 無様に地を這う為じゃないだろ?
お前の翼は何の為にある 籠の中の空は狭過ぎるだろ?

Die Freiheit und der Tod. Die beiden sind Zwillinge.
Die Freiheit oder der Tod?
Unser Freund ist ein!

何の為に生まれて来たのかなんて… 小難しい事は解らないけど…
例え其れが過ちだったとしても… 何の為に生きているかは判る…
其れは… 理屈じゃない… 存在… 故の『自由』!

*Die Flügel der Freiheit

隠された真実は 衝撃の嚆矢だ
鎖された其の《深層》(やみ)と 《表層》(ひかり)に潜む《巨人達》
崩れ然る固定観念 迷いを抱きながら 其れでも尚 『自由』へ進め!!!

Rechter Weg?
Linker Weg?
Na, ein Weg welcher ist?
Der Feind?
Der Freund?
Mensch, Sie welche sind?

両手には《戦意》 唄うのは《希望》 背中には《自由の地平線》
世界を繋ぐ鎖を各々胸に 奏でるのは《可能性の背面》 蒼穹を舞え————


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Romaji Jiyuu no Tsubasa Lyrics (Romanized)
Artist: Linked Horizon
Tie-in: Attack on Titan Shingeki no Kyojin 進撃の巨人

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Linked Horizon - Jiyuu no Tsubasa (自由の翼) English Translation Lyrics