1.I am the clown of kindness
2.I’m just a spinning idiot anyway
3.I’ve got a knife in my pocket that I’ll never use4.
5.You are the incarnation of whimsical
6.Date plans that don’t make sense anyway
7.I don’t know the message what behind the your smile8.
9.walk alone in the midnight
10.stand alone tonight11.
12.Flashback to my pain
13.Suddenly I wanna run away somewhere
14.I’m so afraid that
15.I forgot about it until now16.
17.Chill out is over
18.From now on, it’s just you and me
19.It’s like Adam and Eve
20.Just like this, forever21.
22.I can tell by your sweet bitten lips that you’re lying
23.Bluegill in the tank waiting for swell
24.Playing records filled this one room with sound Staying there, drunk
25.with perfume and moth scales26.
27.My heart hurts when I hear this bass
28.It’s not exactly an elegant life
29.But when framed,
30.It looks good day or night31.
33.The reality I don’t want to see has reached stage two
34.Day after day, even when I’m being honest
35.I’m dreaming with an overabundance of imagination36.
37.We are similar but actually different children
38.That we will never understand
39.Adam muttered, Eve nodded
40.The apple I nibble on, tilting my head, tastes like honey41.
42.We’ll always be the same,
43.That’s all
44.No matter how many years pass like this
45.I can’t change, not for a long time46.
47.Flashback to my pain
48.Suddenly I wanna run away somewhere
49.I’m so afraid that
50.I forgot about it until now51.
52.Chill out is over
53.From now on, it’s just you and me
54.It’s like Adam and Eve
55.Just like this, forever
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