K English Translation



Release: 2004.04.28
Lyricist: Motoo Fujiwara
Composer: Motoo Fujiwara

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Original Lyrics: K Lyrics (Romanized)

A black cat walks down a main street during the weekend,
Flicking his proud, bent tail majestically from side to side.
Because of his appearance, this cat is hated,
He blends in with the darkness and everyone throws rocks when they see him.

He was getting used to solitude. Rather, he’d come to desire it,
He found it troublesome to have to be considerate of anyone.
Then a young artist picked up the cat and held him in his arms,
“Good evening you wonderful little guy. You remind me of myself.”

He struggled in those arms… clawed with all his might… seeking the path of escape known as loneliness,

He ran and ran… from his very first sensation,
Of kindness… of warmth, still unable to believe it.

But no matter where he ran, that weird man came after him!

After that the cat lived through two winters with the artist,
And the artist gave his friend a name, “Black Blessing” Holy Night.
His sketchbook became almost entirely filled with black,
And the cat too, was lovingly attached to his first friend. But one day,

Due to his poor lifestyle… the cat’s godfather… wrote his final letter, and spoke thus:

“Run! Run! And take this with you!
To the lover that’s waiting for me, whom I left behind to follow my dream!”

Pictures of an unlucky cat don’t even sell, yet nonetheless you drew nothing but me,
And now you’ve gone cold… I will most certainly deliver this letter!

The cat runs down the snow covered mountain roads,
Holding his promise to his late best friend within his mouth.
“Feast your eyes, I am the Devil’s Messenger!” All you stone throwing children,
You can say anything you like, ’cause I have a name that will never leave me!
“Holy Night”! “Holy Night” is what he called me!
With every bit of his kindness and warmth, he called me that!
For I, who endures so much hatred; if I was to give my reason for having been born,
I would say it was for this very purpose. I’ll run as far as I have to!

He finally arrived… in his best friend’s home town… only a few more meters until the artist’s lover’s house.

He ran, and stumbled, wounds all over his body,
And as soon as he stood up, more jeers and violence.
“I can’t lose, I’m Holy Night!” My feet are torn,
But I’ll keep pressing on. I’ve found it! This is the house!

When the artist’s lover read the letter over the unmoving cat,
She added one letter to his name, and buried him in the garden.
She buried Holy Knight.

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Apple Musicで聴く
Romaji: K Lyrics (Romanized)

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  • BUMP OF CHICKEN - K English Translation

週末の大通りを 黒猫が歩く
御自慢の鍵尻尾を水平に 威風堂々と
その姿から猫は 忌み嫌われていた
闇に溶ける その体目掛けて 石を投げられた

孤独には慣れていた 寧ろ望んでいた
誰かを思いやる事なんて 煩わしくて
そんな猫を抱き上げる 若い絵描きの腕
「今晩は 素敵なおチビさん 僕らよく似てる」

腕の中もがいて 必死で引っ掻いて 孤独という名の逃げ道を

走った 走った 生まれて初めての
優しさが 温もりが まだ信じられなくて

どれだけ逃げたって 変わり者は付いて来た

それから猫は絵描きと 二度目の冬を過ごす
絵描きは 友達に名前をやった 「黒き幸」ホーリーナイト
彼のスケッチブックは ほとんど黒尽くめ
黒猫も 初めての友達に くっついて甘えたが ある日

貧しい生活に 倒れる名付け親 最後の手紙を書くと 彼はこう言った

「走って 走って こいつを届けてくれ
夢を見て 飛び出した僕の 帰りを待つ恋人へ」

不吉な黒猫の絵など売れないが それでもアンタは俺だけ描いた
それ故 アンタは冷たくなった 手紙は確かに受け取った

雪の降る山道を 黒猫が走る
今は故き親友との約束を その口に銜えて
「見ろよ、悪魔の使者だ!」 石を投げる子供
何とでも呼ぶがいいさ 俺には 消えない名前があるから
「ホーリーナイト」「聖なる夜」と 呼んでくれた
優しさも温もりも 全て詰め込んで 呼んでくれた
忌み嫌われた俺にも 意味があるとするならば
この日のタメに生まれて来たんだろう どこまでも走るよ

彼は辿り着いた 親友の故郷に 恋人の家まで あと数キロだ

走った 転んだ すでに満身創痍だ
立ち上がる間もなく 襲い来る 罵声と暴力
負けるか俺はホーリーナイト 千切れそうな手足を
引き摺り なお走った 見つけた! この家だ!

手紙を読んだ恋人は もう動かない猫の名に
アルファベット1つ 加えて庭に埋めてやった

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Apple Musicで聴く
Romaji K Lyrics (Romanized)

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BUMP OF CHICKEN - K English Translation Lyrics