Sky is sky Lyrics

Cover art for『▽▲TRiNITY▲▽ - Sky is sky』from the release『Δ(DELTA)』


Release: 2022.10.05
Lyricist: ChibaNyan
Composer: ChibaNyan
Arranger: ChibaNyan

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Oh Fly away
It’s time, let’s gather all things together
Fly away
It’s time, let’s journey into the future

Gazing at crystals sparkle in light
Leading the way to bright tomorrows
You know your heart is telling you the truth
Now we fly – never, ever let it go

The sky is clear and blue, as if it’s made of glass
Dreaming lucid dreams, but that was all in the past
A forest of evergreens so deeply rooted will show you the way,
The path you must follow

Fly away, Fly away
Star-becoming who we are

Fly away, Fly away
Start-pave the way to a new world

Countless emotions run through your head
Fall in place, connecting all the dots
Infinite harmony in my hands
See how dreams can become reality

Freely floating as one of the clouds
Open your arms, embrace the earth
Wipe away that dark sorrow from your face
I promise to come get you

La la la…
Start-pave the way to a new world

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Artist: ▽▲TRiNITY▲▽
Status : Official Full

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▽▲TRiNITY▲▽ - Sky is sky Lyrics