1.There is a light you want so now you stand alone at a crossroads with nowhere else to go
2.Making sure there’s no going back, now you stifle a fleeting sense of anxiety as you cut off all ways to go back home3.
4.It was a light so hard to let go, it was a gentle, easy love
5.And yet, you’ll still go
6.Doesn’t matter if some things are left lacking, we can start to look for them right now7.
8.Don’t need to be strong, doesn’t matter if you have nothing, just as long as you believe
9.That will be the one thing that saves you, no matter what kind of pain awaits in the future
10.Go forth without hesitation11.
12.Cut up your unmarked life into pieces of moments called today
13.Breathing life into that each step
14.Consumed by passion for your ideals, for your quietly dazzling daily life while also revealing a horrible side15.
16.Hey, close your eyes and open your heart
17.Under this moon, I still sing of my hopes I longed for
18.Even if my legs tremble as I strive forth, I still made the right choice
19.Though I may hesitate, I don’t want to run away from it20.
21.The future you chose weaves through an unknown night, drifting in an ocean just for you
22.Learning that winning always comes at a cost, caught my breath just as it began to move
23.Even if it won’t reach tomorrow just yet24.
25.In the middle of the ocean, marking the destination on a ripped map
26.There’s no right answer, I know that yet it’s still painful
27.Hey, am I asking for too much? Not really
28.But to protect the one thing I can’t lose
29.The ship moves forward beyond the new door30.
31.Don’t need to be strong, doesn’t matter if you have nothing, just as long as you believe
32.That will be the one thing that saves you, no matter what kind of pain awaits in the future
33.To the direction that your heartbeat trembles, go forth without hesitation
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