Antlion in my head Lyrics

Cover art for『Sawao Yamanaka - Antlion in my head』from the release『Muddy comedy』

Sawao Yamanaka 山中さわお

Release: 2022.03.02
Lyricist: Sawao Yamanaka
Composer: Sawao Yamanaka

I’m just alive
I don’t know what that is for
He said like this
“life is desire”
I think so, I think so, too

You are just alive
You don’t know what it is for
We will eat someone’s life.
That isn’t stopped.

We will fly towards the light
We will fly towards the light

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Apple Musicで聴く
Artist: Sawao Yamanaka 山中さわお
Status : Official Full

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Sawao Yamanaka - Antlion in my head Lyrics