Paradisin' Lyrics

Cover art for『Rina Sawayama - Paradisin'』from the release『SAWAYAMA』

Rina Sawayama

Release: 2020.04.22
Lyricist: Rina Sawayama・Clarence Clarity
Composer: Rina Sawayama・Clarence Clarity

I went and messed up again
Went against everything you said
Summer of drinking in Trafalgar Square
Then you threatened to send me to
Boarding school for the seventh time
… I know we cant afford that so I’m fine!

Though I’m stuck in the middle of it all
Isn’t life so, life so beautiful

Living my best life thriving
Driving u crazy
Living my best life thriving
U say I’m misbehaving
But I’m just a kid so save it
Lemme have an unforgettable
Time of my life!

First kiss in 2003
Making out, feeling carefree
But then his phone rings, and ur numbers on the screen, (oh fuck)
Hacked my MSN Messenger
Blackmailed my best friend telling her
*Mum freaks out in Japanese*
Mum… I’m fine

Yea I bet you think I’m terrible
But you don’t know nothing, not at all

Living my best life thriving
Driving u crazy
Living my best life thriving
U say I’m misbehaving
But I’m just a kid so save it
Lemme have an unforgettable
Time of my life!

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Apple Musicで聴く
Artist: Rina Sawayama
Status : Official Full

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Rina Sawayama - Paradisin' Lyrics