Toridori*Palettes Lyrics (Romanized)

Cover art for『Pastel*Palettes - Toridori*Palettes』from the release『Toridori*Palettes』
Original Title: トリドリ*パレット


BanG Dream! Girls Band Party Song バンドリ! ガールズバンドパーティ!
Release: 2024.05.07
Lyricist: Asuka Oda
Composer: Junpei Fujita (Elements Garden)

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English Translation: Toridori*Palettes English Translation
1.Iro toridori doko made de mo
2.(La la la…☆)3.
4.Rinto shite mesen wa takaku takaku
5.Matsuge wa kururi♪ tto kuchibiru ni mahou
6.Himitsu wa hiki tsuzuki supaisu ni shite
7.Totte oki no shunkan minogasanaide8.
9.Hana no you ni tori no you ni
10.Itsumo jiyuu de miryoku teki na rapusodii de
11.Kirakira to suteeji wo daki shimeru yo ima!12.

13.Tsunagatteitai kimi no hitomi to
14.Karafuru ni toki ni bibiddo ni
15.Soshite pasuteru ni*
16.Watashi(tachi to) egaki(aou)
17.Paretto kara arata na sekai wo
18.Iron na(omoi) iron na(hibi de)
19.Hanasanaide kono saki mo zutto20.
21.(La la la…☆)22.
23.Teema songu wa kodou ni nosete
24.Uinku kara nagareboshi☆彡 shigusa ni wa hana wo
25.Suteppu appu hiiru narashite wan・tsuu・tsurii♪
26.Saikou no mirai e odori dasou♪27.
28.Kaze no you ni tsuki no you ni
29.Itsu mo utsukushiku kenmei na serenaado de
30.Dokidoki na suteeji wo todokerun da ima!31.
32.Utatteitai kimi no kokoro to
33.Suiito ni toki ni mirakuru ni
34.Soshite pasuteru ni*
35.Watashi(tachi to) kanade(aou)
36.Paretto kara yume ga tomaranai!
37.Iron na(deai) iron na(suki de)
38.Wasurerarenai keshiki wo mi ni ikou39.
40.Tsunagatteitai kimi no hitomi to
41.Karafuru ni toki ni bibiddo ni
42.Soshite pasuteru ni*
43.Watashi(tachi to) egaki(aou)
44.Paretto kara arata na sekai wo
45.Iron na(omoi) iron na(hibi de)
46.Hanasanaide kono saki mo zutto47.
48.(La la la…☆)

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English: Toridori*Palettes English Translation

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Artist: Pastel*Palettes
Tie-in: BanG Dream! Girls Band Party バンドリ! ガールズバンドパーティ!
(Based on):

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Transliterated by:
Romaji TranscriberLyrical Nonsense
  • Pastel*Palettes - Toridori*Palettes Lyrics (Romanized)

  • Pastel*Palettes - トリドリ*パレット Lyrics (Romanized)

  • BanG Dream! Girls Band Party Song Lyrics (Romanized)

1.いろとりどり どこまででも
2.(La la la…☆)3.
5.まつげはくるり♪っと くちびるに魔法
7.とっておきの瞬間 見逃さないで8.
9.花のように 鳥のように
10.いつも自由で 魅力的なラプソディーで
11.キラキラとステージを抱きしめるよ いまっ!12.
13.繋がっていたい きみの瞳と
14.カラフルに ときにビビッドに
19.離さないで この先もずっと20.
21.(La la la…☆)22.
24.ウインクから流れ星☆彡 しぐさには花を
25.ステップアップ ヒール鳴らして 1・2・3♪
26.最高の未来へ 踊り出そうっ♪27.
28.風のように 月のように
29.いつも美しく 懸命なセレナードで
30.ドキドキなステージを届けるんだ いまっ!31.
32.歌っていたい きみの心と
33.スイートに ときにミラクルに
38.忘れられない 景色を見に行こう39.
40.繋がっていたい きみの瞳と
41.カラフルに ときにビビッドに
46.離さないで この先もずっと47.
48.(La la la…☆)

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English: Toridori*Palettes English Translation

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Artist: Pastel*Palettes
Tie-in: BanG Dream! Girls Band Party バンドリ! ガールズバンドパーティ!
1.In various colors, wherever you go
2.(La la la…☆)3.
4.With a dignified gaze, higher and higher
5.Eyelashes flutter♪, magic on the lips
6.Keep the secret as a continuing spice
7.Don’t miss the special moments8.
9.Like flowers, like birds
10.Always free, in a charming rhapsody
11.Embracing the sparkling stage, now!12.
13.I want to connect with your eyes
14.Colorfully, sometimes vividly
15.And in pastel colors*
16.Let’s paint together
17.A new world from the palette
18.With various emotions, in various days
19.Don’t let go, forever20.
21.(La la la…☆)22.
23.The theme song rides on the heartbeat
24.From a wink to a shooting star☆彡, flowers in gestures
25.Step up, heels clicking, 1-2-3♪
26.Let’s dance towards the greatest future!27.
28.Like the wind, like the moon
29.Always beautiful, in a diligent serenade
30.Delivering an exciting stage, now!31.
32.I want to sing with your heart
33.Sweetly, sometimes miraculously
34.And in pastel colors*
35.Let’s play together
36.Dreams won’t stop from the palette!
37.With various encounters, with various loves
38.Let’s go see unforgettable scenery39.
40.I want to connect with your eyes
41.Colorfully, sometimes vividly
42.And in pastel colors*
43.Let’s paint together
44.A new world from the palette
45.With various emotions, in various days
46.Don’t let go, forever47.
48.(La la la…☆)

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English: Toridori*Palettes English Translation

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Artist: Pastel*Palettes
Tie-in: BanG Dream! Girls Band Party バンドリ! ガールズバンドパーティ!
Translated by:
Chief Editor, English Translator, Romaji TranscriberLyrical Nonsense

Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.

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Pastel*Palettes - Toridori*Palettes (トリドリ*パレット) Lyrics (Romanized)