1.I forgot how to laugh since I started being laughed at
2.I forgot how to cry because everything feels sad
3.In the corner of a dim room, plucking the strings of my guitar
4.I know there’s no value enough to change tomorrow5.
8.Unknown sentences, dissonance, it’s not all said here
9.Unable to beautify the worst, just my mind spinning around10.
11.I’m sorry, hey, I’m sorry
12.Everyone is pointing fingers, calling me a disappointment
13.I’m sorry, I’m sorry
14.Tearing apart my parched throat, having flashbacks
15.It’s okay, I don’t mind being unhappy forever16.
17.If I could appease the never-ending barrage of abuse, would you forgive me?
18.Oh, why am I apologizing again?
19.Did I do something?
20.Oh well, it’s probably my fault anyway21.
22.Japanese crucian carp in muddy tanks, with gaslighting in the background
23.In the shadow of a crazed clown, trembling apples, one, two, just rotting away24.
25.I’m sorry, hey, I’m sorry
26.Paying for sins I don’t remember committing, the me betraying me told lies
27.I’m sorry, I’m sorry
28.Please, someone notice, and then
29.It’s okay, I don’t mind being the villain30.
31.The loop of endless nightmares, countless eyes stuck on all four walls
32.A ringing phone screaming inside a numb head33.
34.Where to? Where to? There’s no escape
35.I know, I know, this life is probably over, right?
36.I’m utterly fed up37.
38.I’m sorry39.
40.I’m sorry41.
42.I’m sorry, I’m sorry
43.Sorry for being born, now it seems like the only thing I can sing for sure
44.I’m sorry, I’m sorry
45.Tearing apart my parched throat, having flashbacks
46.It’s okay, I don’t mind a lifetime of irredeemable unhappiness
Translated by:
Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.
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(/・ω・)/ ☕彡 ヽ(^。^)ノ
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