Bring the light Lyrics

Cover art for『(K)NoW_NAME - Bring the light』from the release『Fairy gone


Fairy gone フェアリーゴーン Insert Song
Release: 2019.12.18
Lyricist: (K)NoW_NAME:AIJ
Composer: (K)NoW_NAME:Shuhei Mutsuki

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Been counting all the things I have lost
So many friends, family, comrades
Is this really how much our life costs
Thought it was much more different when I first started

Bring me the light, so I can shine
Just break, stop, mend, repeat, let’s fly
I’ll show you why we you used to fight
Nor cause nor fame, it’s to protect your little world

Been searching for the meaning of just
But couldn’t find the perfect canvas
I know there should be only one glow
So simple that it’s black or white
Yes now I know

Bring me the light, so I can shine
Just wake, go, push, repeat, won’t cry
Remember how you used to fight
In justice, truth and love
I walk into this, big wide, lonesome, busted and damaged
But fine, splendid, magnificent world
I choose with my will

Just believe, trust in yourself, make it real,
No one can ever stop you if you follow your heart
I am my owner

Bring me the light, so I can shine
Just break, stop, mend, repeat, let’s fly
I’ll show you why we you used to fight
Nor cause nor fame, it’s to protect your little world

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Apple Musicで聴く
Artist: (K)NoW_NAME
Tie-in: Fairy gone フェアリーゴーン
Status : Official Full

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  • (K)NoW_NAME - Bring the light Lyrics

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(K)NoW_NAME『Bring the light』Music Video・PV


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(K)NoW_NAME - Bring the light Lyrics