blowball Lyrics

Cover art for『(K)NoW_NAME - blowball』from the release『Fairy gone


Fairy gone フェアリーゴーン Insert Song
Release: 2019.06.26
Lyricist: (K)NoW_NAME:Kohei by SIMONSAYZ
Composer: (K)NoW_NAME:Shuhei Mutsuki

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They taught me“about life”and they taught me kindness
But still I am struggling to become more honest
I wish I could say…
I wish I could thank you, each time you looked at me…
But I need to keep it in, otherwise I might harm you

No, I can’t go that way…and I just don’t care what you will say
The cold wind pushing me back to where I use to be
it seems like time to say goodbye…
so let me wish your happiness…

The clock strikes midnight
How many more days? Until I see you again
“blowball”will almost fly…
I wish I could change…
I wish I could go back, I feel when this season comes…
But I need to keep it in, otherwise I might harm you

Hey! Can you hear my voice?
Do you think I should stay in this world?
As time goes by, everywhere is full of harmony
I don’t know how to deal with this feeling
So let this one flower wither

It’s funny I don’t feel bad when the rain strikes to the ground
I don’t feel alone, at all….

(Telling you…)
No, I can’t go that way…and I just don’t care what you will say
(Once again …)
Hey! Can you hear my voice?
Do you think I should stay in this world?
As time goes by, everywhere is full of harmony
I don’t know how to deal with this feeling
So let this one flower wither

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Apple Musicで聴く
Artist: (K)NoW_NAME
Tie-in: Fairy gone フェアリーゴーン
Status : Official Full

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  • (K)NoW_NAME - blowball Lyrics

  • Fairy gone フェアリーゴーン Insert Song Lyrics

(K)NoW_NAME『blowball』Music Video・PV


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(K)NoW_NAME - blowball Lyrics