24 Hours Lyrics (Romanized)

Cover art for『Kei Takebuchi - 24 Hours』from the release『OVERTONES』

Kei Takebuchi 竹渕慶

Release: 2021.08.07
Lyricist: Kei Takebuchi
Composer: Kei Takebuchi

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Transliterated (romaji) lyrics for this song are still waiting to be completed by our dedicated staff.

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If I had 24 hours, would it feel longer or shorter?
If I had 24 hours, for who would I live it up for?
If I had 24 hours, would it be different from this moment?
If I had If I had
Would I be dreaming for the 25th?

If I had 24 hours, would it be enough to hold you in my arms?
If I had 24 hours, where would she be while I’m still in my bed?
If I had 24 hours, would you stay with me till the last minute?
Even if I did, If I did… Someone might not

Will I really have that 24 hours?

Yes I will and you will
Yes I do and you do too
We’d always live for that tomorrow as long as we live
If I had If I had If I had
Today we all do have that 24 hours

いつまでもいつまでも 始めたくはないよな
悪魔とヒーロー どちらを選ぶかな
君より 一時間 短く生きたい
今より 精一杯生きるんだろうか

いつか会える いつか伝えよう
僕が生きて 君が生きて
答え合わせしよう 24 hours

Yes I will and you will
Yes I do and you do too
We’d always live for that tomorrow as long as we live
If I had If I had Yes I have
Today we all do have that 24 hours

Today we all do have that 24 hours

Artist: Kei Takebuchi 竹渕慶
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  • Kei Takebuchi - 24 Hours Lyrics (Romanized)

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Kei Takebuchi - 24 Hours Lyrics (Romanized)