Nightmare Parade 2020s English Translation



Release: 2022.10.07

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Original Lyrics: Nightmare Parade 2020s Lyrics (Romanized)

Yeah come on FAKE TYPE.
Swing by FAKE TYPE.

Uploading something on SNS as usual, uploading nonchalantly
Upload freely Upload on the web
Constantly uploading something on SNS, staring at the lens and uploading
Everyone uploading carelessly Upload on the web
Nowadays people’s eyes and lenses are the same, everyone’s movements are being monitored
The subject is the suspect Don’t be shy
Don’t trust the “How to” seminars by the media that exaggerates everything
Can’t Show me an unfiltered version of yourself, incomprehensible assertions all the time
It’s pushy, but it’s become part of the culture now
Saying “bravo” to your self-expressions and playing a fanfare
Give me some encouragement then
I’ll make you have more fun…

DYES IWASAKI’s Hyper scat…

Uploading something on SNS as usual, uploading faces you don’t even know
Always uploading without permission Upload on the hell
Jokes or not, upload it on to SNS, uploading like you’re possessed
Uploading without stopping Upload on the hell
Many complainers tryna blow up small things
Their voices loud, toxic, and one way
Complainers’ pride grows, believing that only their opinion is right
Ignoring others’ opinions, such believers can disappear
So sad that people go up in flames for petty sins, that’s why I’m looking for a new scene
Pro or amateur, if you’ve got fans they could become your haters Rat a tat Idiots and scums are 2 sides of the same coin Hell yeah!

DYES IWASAKI’s Hyper scat…

Humble or prideful, your followers can be your friend or foe, so watch out
Too many fans and watchers to keep track of in a codependent relationship People who can’t control themselves getting on their high horses
Brats that only listen to affirmative opinions, such people exist here and there
People leave disappointed cuz of your narrow-minded, shallow words with no content
Bye, I just leave in the end, someone’s misfortune is another’s joy
And that’s how another influencer disappears from SNS, a prelude of destruction
An etude of forfeiture for the anonymous you

DYES IWASAKI’s Hyper scat…

TOPHAMHAT-KYO from FAKE TYPE. (Rock rock on!)
DYES IWASAKI from FAKE TYPE. (Rock rock on!)
Thanks to all our supporters and audience (Rock rock on!)
This is Japanese Electro Swing… You know?

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Nightmare Parade 2020s

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Artist: FAKE TYPE.
  • FAKE TYPE. - Nightmare Parade 2020s English Translation

Yeah come on FAKE TYPE.
Swing by FAKE TYPE.

今日もスマートにアップップ 素知らぬ顔してアップップ
自由気ままにアップップ Upload on the web
さぁコンスタントにアップップ レンズとにらめっこアップップ
誰でも簡単にアップップ Upload on the web
人の目はカメラさ 一挙手一投足 民間人相互監視型社会
被写体もとい容疑者 Don’t be shy
盛り盛りなメディア How to do it well? 鵜呑みよしな
無加工 Show me 出来ない 不可解な言い分オンリー
がしかしそれもカルチャーに昇華 半ば強引
見せ方天晴れ ファンファーレ鳴らせ
Give me some ガンバレ!! あっと言わせよう
Make you fun and more…

DYES IWASAKI’s Hyper scat…

今日とて真っ当にアップップ 見知らぬ顔でもアップップ
いつでも好き勝手アップップ Upload on the hell
冗談でも本気でもアップップ 憑りつかれたようにアップップ
I can’t stop it またアップップ Upload on the hell
些細な災難 苛もうと一定数沸いちゃうクレーマー
肥大化する自尊心に依存する My opinion
世論無視 失せろ妄信 脳なしの名無し
嗚呼悲しい 安価な Sin So I finding 新たなシーン
プロアマ問わず数が仇となる Rat a tat
表裏一体 おバカとカス Hell yeah!

DYES IWASAKI’s Hyper scat…

Humble, Pride 抱えた数字は武器にも敵にもなるから注意さ
扱えない程に膨れたウォッチャーズ 共依存紛いの関係性も今や止まらず
手に負えないくせにイキリ誤魔化す ”推し”だと持て囃され天狗のお子ちゃま
狭い視野に美辞麗句じゃガッカリ ときめいた感情は無に帰す
期して Bye, I just leave 結局誰かの幸せは誰かの不幸
崩壊する擬似帝国 破滅のプレリュード
名も知らぬ君に送る 失墜のエチュード

DYES IWASAKI’s Hyper scat…

TOPHAMHAT-KYO from FAKE TYPE. (Rock rock on!)
DYES IWASAKI from FAKE TYPE. (Rock rock on!)
Thanks to all our supporters and audience (Rock rock on!)
This is Japanese Electro Swing… You know?

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Nightmare Parade 2020s

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Artist: FAKE TYPE.

FAKE TYPE.『Nightmare Parade 2020s』Official Music Video


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FAKE TYPE. - Nightmare Parade 2020s English Translation Lyrics