CRAZY ARTS Lyrics (Romanized)

Cover art for『FAKE TYPE. - CRAZY ARTS』from the release『CRAZY ARTS』


Release: 2023.09.15
Composer: FAKE TYPE.

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English Translation: CRAZY ARTS English Translation

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灼熱生存戦略 爆発警報ヘイター FAKE TYPE.
Okay, Show you extermination, Let’s go

年がら年中奪っちゃうぜ 今日も喧々囂々
歪んだ性癖を思わせる悪党を凹ませる 薄情ツーマンセル
発破かけてやんないと動かないのろまの亀 ケツに火付け越える言葉の壁
Hurry up 怒りはギラギラのエナジー Cauntion 取り扱い注意
物資かっさらって思惑重なって 予期せぬアクシデントの連続こそ壮観
吹っ飛ばす悲壮感に飽く無双な夢想家 燃やし焦がし台無しアブソーバー
Danger 触れるな 目には目だ No escape 炎の牢
FT sets many crazy traps, Can’t wait!

Fire… Yippie, Zip it, I get heat
Take it easy, Pretty good 火
Fire… Oh my god, You can’t blaze me
Eeny meeny miney mo
Burn! Flip it over そのお目目 瞬くその間に植えるトラウマ
Burn! Tripping in deep, It’s LIT! 昂る荒ぶる爆弾魔だ
Burn! 一瞬の迷いが灰へと化す Don’t forget さあ出し抜け数多の玄人を

Get ready? 偽者 Ourself
喧々囂々 フル回転する戦場から感度良好 賢しい絵を描く謀
天晴れ 御見事 そう言わせましょう
OK マイメン アミーゴと No escape 炎の獄
FT sets many crazy arts, Can’t wait!

Fire… Yippie, Zip it, I get heat
Take it easy, Pretty good 火
Fire… Oh my god, You can’t blaze me
Eeny meeny miney mo
Burn! Flip it over そのお目目 瞬くその間に植えるトラウマ
Burn! Tripping in deep, It’s LIT! 昂る荒ぶる爆弾魔だ
Burn! 一瞬の迷いが灰へと化す Don’t forget さあ出し抜け数多の玄人を

満員御礼さ 狩ろう 追い追われ燃え盛ろう
罪深い怨嗟は業となり胸の奥騒ぐ 大仰ではない
嗚呼 陽炎想わせる誰もいなくなったこの地で
ひとり無情に Shout it out
BOMB!… 荒れ果てる前提 残さない原形
BOMB!… 御覧あれ 刹那的いかれたアート

English: CRAZY ARTS English Translation

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Artist: FAKE TYPE.
  • FAKE TYPE. - CRAZY ARTS Lyrics (Romanized)

A tactic with high survival rate, explosion warning to haters
Okay, Show you extermination, Let’s go

Robbing every day of the year, today’s another rowdy day
Dejecting twisted fetish-like villains, we’re two cruel peas in a pod
So we’ll crack the whip for you and overcome the language barrier
Hurry up anger is dazzling energy Caution handle with care
We snatch items, our plots overlap with others, unexpected accidents keep happening, but it’s thrilling
The dreamer who got bored of simply blowing it away burns and destroys the absorber
Not a stage without a lead, but the last one standing becomes the lead and takes home glory
Danger don’t touch, eye for an eye No escape prison of fire
FT sets many crazy traps, Can’t wait!

Fire… Yippie, Zip it, I get heat
Take it easy, Pretty good fire
Fire… Oh my god, You can’t blaze me
Eeny meeny miney mo
Burn! Flip it over, we’ll instill trauma while you blink
Burn! Tripping in deep, it’s LIT! We’re super crazy bombers
Burn! A moment’s hesitation can be life-risking Don’t forget, surpass countless experts

Get ready? Imposters Ourself
With our technique, we’ll lure in forceful invaders and make them dance on a minefield
Creating explosions with our splendid firepower, angering fuming blockheads
Can’t call yourself a pro if you’re playing a game with no clear goal
Understanding the situation from a noisy, heated battlefield and immediately taking action
We’ll make you say “bravo, amazing” to our work
We’ll erase brown-nosers and thoughtless dummies
OK my men with our amigos No escape fiery prison
FT sets many crazy arts, Can’t wait!

Fire… Yippie, Zip it, I get heat
Take it easy, Pretty good fire
Fire… Oh my god, You can’t blaze me
Eeny meeny miney mo
Burn! Flip it over, we’ll instill trauma while you blink
Burn! Tripping in deep, it’s LIT! We’re super crazy bombers
Burn! A moment’s hesitation can be life-risking Don’t forget, surpass countless experts

Battlefield’s a fullhouse, hunt enemies, chase, be chased, and burn up
Sinful resentment becomes karma and rustles deep inside my chest, no cap
Ah, making you think of heat haze in this desolate land
Heartlessly Shout it out alone
BOMB!… This game is bound to fall into ruins without leaving a trace
BOMB!… Have a look at this ephemeral crazy art

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Apple Musicで聴く
English: CRAZY ARTS English Translation

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Artist: FAKE TYPE.
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FAKE TYPE.『CRAZY ARTS』Official Music Video


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FAKE TYPE. - CRAZY ARTS Lyrics (Romanized)