Caught Up in Time Lyrics

Cover art for『FAITH - Caught Up in Time』from the release『Capture it』


Release: 2020.01.15
Lyricist: Akari Dritschler
Composer: FAITH

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I really thought you were the answer when you really weren’t
I nearly thought you were the one, but you really weren’t
The saddest part of this love story’s
not the part that I’m still sorry
All this time I was trying to be someone else

But girl, you ain’t seeing nothing yet
Things you’ve always tried to say will hardly ever come out straight
So girl, you don’t need to hurt yourself
I was lonely, I was blind, I, I was caught up in time

I clearly was over the moon when you really weren’t
Honestly, I fell too soon guess I’ve a lot to learn
The saddest part of this love story’s not even to be kept in memory
All this time I was trying to be someone else

But girl, you ain’t seeing nothing yet
Things you’ve always tried to say will hardly ever come out straight
So girl, you don’t need to hurt yourself
I was lonely, I was blind, I, I was caught up in…

Oh, did you even need me in your darkest nights
We held each other falling apart, losing our minds
Breaking down in every single way

The songs you always sang for me will never sound the same
Before we even know we will be living in different frames
Now I’ll know how my life would be without you

Oh, did you even need me in your darkest nights
We held each other falling apart, losing our minds
Breaking down in every single way

Oh, did you even need me in your darkest nights
We held each other falling apart, losing our minds
Breaking down in every single way

Caught up in time… in time…

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Apple Musicで聴く
Artist: FAITH
Status : Official Full

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FAITH - Caught Up in Time Lyrics