Your Battle is My Battle ft. Chica Lyrics

Cover art for『Chica - Your Battle is My Battle ft. Chica』from the release『TV Anime


Jujutsu Kaisen Insert Song 呪術廻戦
Release: 2021.04.21
Lyricist: Chica
Composer: Hiroaki Tsutsumi

Trust takes years to build
All bonds need that
Can’t skip chapters
Your battle is my battle
We fight together
We’re a team (One team!)
There’s no fear in chasing
There is fear in being chased
We need
Come from behind every once
in awhile just to do it!

Rising sun always comes with the rays of hope
The hope is there
Our best days are yet to come
Let the hope light the road
Keep our face to the sun
Will never see the shadows
Win a hundred battles
Alone we can do so little
Cry into the pillow?
We’ll never feel low again
Learn something new everyday
A little bit kinder than yesterday
The sky is not the limit
It’s only just the beginning!!

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Artist: Chica
Tie-in: Jujutsu Kaisen 呪術廻戦
Status : Official Full

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  • Chica - Your Battle is My Battle ft. Chica Lyrics

  • Jujutsu Kaisen Insert Song Lyrics


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Chica - Your Battle is My Battle ft. Chica Lyrics