Polaris English Translation

Original Title: ポラリス


Release: 2013.11.20
Lyricist: aimerrhythm
Composer: Masahiro Tobinai

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Original Lyrics: Polaris Lyrics (Romanized)

In the silent calm of the night, a tiny boat,
Became a cradle carrying travelers with scars all over their bodies.
The pain displayed on your sleeping face is there to keep others away,
As you head on aimlessly, further and further north.

I thought we’d joined hands, but yours began to slip away,
As if you never really believed you could ever be loved in the first place.

You’re always lost, like you have no home to return to,
Yelling for someone to save you, but sad when they don’t;
Saying, “I’m all alone…”
But I won’t let you say those words.

Your heart wavers day by day while the evening rain seeps through,
Running over your scars, as if washing your past away.

The rope you thought you’d tied came undone,
As if there was never really a way to stop that boat in the first place.

You’re always lost, like you have no home to return to,
Yelling for someone to seek you out, but no one hears your cries.
Rolled up in a ball as you wait,
Saying, “I’m all alone…”

You’re always wandering, unable to yell any longer,
Merely walking through the darkness,
Saying, “That’s how I’ve always lived my life, all alone…”
But I won’t let you say those words any longer.

Your resolve to keep a strong face is just a facade floating on the water,
As if you had always been able to take flight in the first place.

No one is really ever able to go back home,
Though they may yell out for someone to find them,
Everyone is lonely, their cries unheard, rolled up in a ball as they wait all alone.

Always wandering, upon a wave with no destination,
This boat merely floats along.
That’s how we’ll go on living, now that it’s the two of us,
Though never knowing where we’re headed.

I’ll always be your side; even when you can’t hold back your tears,
I’ll be a light illuminating the darkness.
You’ve come this far living like this,
And I want to be your Polaris.

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Romaji: Polaris Lyrics (Romanized)

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Artist: Aimer
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  • Aimer - Polaris English Translation

  • Aimer - ポラリス English Translation

体中 傷を背負った 旅人のせた ゆりかごになった
悲しげなその寝顔は もう誰も 寄せ付けないそぶり
ここが今 どこか知らずに 北へ 北へただ向かう

つないだはずの その手が ほどけていく
君はまるで はじめから “愛されること”が できないみたいだ

いつだって 途惑って 帰ることもできなくなって
「助けて」って叫んでるだけで 届かなくて 悲しくて
そんなこと もう言わせない

日々揺れる心に 浸みこんだ昨夜の雨が
傷跡の上を流れる 過去を消し去るように

つないだはずのロープは ほどけていた
船はまるで はじめから 留まることなんて できないみたいだ

いつだって 途惑って 帰ることもできなくなって
「見つけて」って叫ぶ声は まだ 届かなくて 寂しくて

いつだって 彷徨って 叫ぶこともできなくなって
闇の中を ただただ 歩いた
そんなこと もう言わせない

強がりだけの決意が 水面を舞う
それはまるで はじめから 空を飛ぶことが できるみたいだ

いつだって 誰だって 帰ることができなくなって
届かなくて 寂しくて 膝を抱いて待っている みんな一人で

いつだって 彷徨って 辿る道もない波の上
船はすすむ ただ 漂いながら
そうやって生きていく 今は二人で

いつだって 傍にいて こらえきれず泣きだしたって
闇の中を かすかに照らすよ

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Romaji Polaris Lyrics (Romanized)

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Artist: Aimer

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Aimer - Polaris (ポラリス) English Translation Lyrics