3.Love… Close your eyes and see the light, like a blink
4.A new dimension emerges in the darkness
5.DNA guiding us to the future dances6.
7.Ah… Destiny also pulls us together, a merging feeling
8.Surpassing imagination, the highest point of update
9.Let your heartbeat resound, higher10.
11.Wake up, CyberHelix12.
13.Spinning round and round
14.Release it on the shining spiral, that feeling
15.A new dimension emerges in the darkness
16.DNA guiding us to the future dances17.
18.Ah… Connecting a new world with AI, as if drawing ∞
19.Surpassing imagination, the highest point of update
20.Let your heartbeat resound, higher21.
22.Everyone is Player1, clashing and spinning a 16Verse
23.We’ve got an unwavering plan, the correct answer tied to our hearts
24.So run without hesitation, with unwavering determination
25.A love that connects us at a cellular level beyond numbers26.
27.The era tests us
28.Money? Power? Respect? So what
29.What we hold in our hearts can never be taken30.
31.Wake up, CyberHelix32.
33.Spinning round and round
34.Release it on the shining spiral, that feeling
35.A new dimension emerges in the darkness
36.DNA guiding us to the future dances37.
38.Ah… Connecting a new world with AI, as if drawing ∞
39.Surpassing imagination, the highest point of update
40.Let your heartbeat resound, higher41.
42.Even if the world says “No,” I’m going to do it
43.Because I’ve shared tears and smiles with you, I can think that way
44.We know, reflected in the mirror, the matrix
45.Without fear of being reborn, we’ll go down in history
46.Now, opening the door of evolution47.
48.We’ve known for thousands of years
49.The answer is in these hands, look50.
51.Love… Close your eyes and see the light, like a blink
52.A new dimension emerges in the darkness
53.DNA guiding us to the future dances54.
55.Wake up, CyberHelix56.
57.Spinning round and round
58.Release it on the shining spiral, that feeling
59.A new dimension emerges in the darkness
60.DNA guiding us to the future dances61.
62.Ah… Connecting a new world with AI, as if drawing ∞
63.Surpassing imagination, the highest point of update
64.Let your heartbeat resound, higher
Translated by:
Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.
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(/・ω・)/ ☕彡 ヽ(^。^)ノ
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