break it out Lyrics (Romanized)

Cover art for『te'resa - break it out』from the release『break it out』


Release: 2021.01.28
Lyricist: Takumi Nishimura(the perfect me)
Composer: Takumi Nishimura(the perfect me)

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Transliterated (romaji) lyrics for this song are still waiting to be completed by our dedicated staff.

In the meantime, explore the original lyrics here!

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Why do I feel sad now
Don’t wanna get in a closet
What do I scary now
Don’t wanna get out back door

Because I trust my awake
so I can see my dream here now
Trust my awake
so I can feel your dream
here now

just time is now so
Break it out Break it out
(Break もう とめない)
just time is now so
Break it out Break it out
(Break もう とめない)
just time is now so
Break it out Break it out
(Break もう とめない)
just time is now so
Break it out Break it out
(Break もう とめない)

I’m ready to surpass
this dull world
わたしを 生かす 祈りは
I’m getting over
the dark night
いつも あなたの 歌に あるよ

Now I feel happier
to be standing on the edge
So I can be braver than
before I was scar more
Show them もっと 遠いとこへ
What I’ve got
息は 続いているから

Because I trust my awake
so I can see my dream here now
Trust my awake
so I can feel your dream
here now

just time is now so
Break it out Break it out
(Break もう とめない)
I’m fighting now so
Knock it down Knock it down
(Knock out 超えて)
just time is now so
Break it out Break it out
(Break もう とめない)
I’m fighting now so
Knock it down Knock it down
(Knock out 超えて)

just time is now so
Break it out Break it out
(Break もう とめない)
I’m fighting now so
Knock it down Knock it down
(Knock out 超えて)
just time is now so
Break it out Break it out
(Break もう とめない)
I’m fighting now so
Knock it down Knock it down
(Knock out 超えて)

I’m ready to surpass
this dull world
わたしを 生かす 祈りは
I’m getting over the dark night
いつも あなたの 歌に あるよ

so I can see my dream here now
so I can see my dream here now

Artist: te'resa
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  • te'resa - break it out Lyrics (Romanized)

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te'resa - break it out Lyrics (Romanized)