Adventure Log English Translation

Alternate Title: Boukenroku
Original Title: 冒険録


Release: 2023.08.11
Lyricist: Eve
Composer: Eve
Arranger: NumaZingai

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Original Lyrics: Adventure Log Lyrics (Romanized)
1.In the twinkle of thousands of stars, I saw my long, long future
2.The current “me” is lit up by my yesterday, yet it feels like something is still missing3.
4.I wanted to see you, but it was too late, so late that the story was left unfinished
5.Yet I embraced the hope that shone like a dim but unfading light6.
7.Then I meet you in my dream
8.And those vague memories before the first time I saw you9.

10.Please, just shine beside me
11.And talk to me with your innocent eyes12.
13.I miss you so hard, yet I fail to tell you
14.About the entire story I learn
15.From this “Adventure Log” governed by fate16.
17.Just flashes by, a beg to the world, a hand in my hand
18.And the glittering shards of word running along the rail19.
20.Then let the “container” be filled with the reverberation
21.And push forward just for today
22.Those unregretful days that lived just like you did
23.Weave that container into me24.
25.Seasons change in rounds, just like human emotions
26.I hope I could see the Milky Way in a night of shooting stars, again27.
28.Please, just shine beside me
29.And talk to me with your innocent eyes30.
31.I miss you so hard, yet I fail to tell you
32.About the entire story I learn
33.From this “Adventure Log” governed by fate

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Adventure Log

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Artist: Eve
  • Eve - Adventure Log English Translation

  • Eve - Boukenroku English Translation

  • Eve - 冒険録 English Translation

1.幾千の星は瞬いた もうずっと先の未来だった
2.昨日の僕が今日を照らした まだ何かが足りないようだ3.
4.会いたいと思った遅すぎた 満たされない物語だ
5.それでも僕は希望を纏った 僅かな消えない光を6.
8.曖昧な記憶 僕たちが出会う日まで9.
10.聞かせて 聞かせて いたいけな瞳で
11.ただ 隣で照らすように 話でもしようよ12.
13.想っても 想っても 伝わらない
17.瞬き 願うこの世界 触れる手と手
25.季節は巡り巡る 移ろう感情のよう
26.またこの星降る夜に銀河を 眺められたなら27.
28.聞かせて 聞かせて いたいけな瞳で
29.ただ 隣で照らすように 話でもしようよ30.
31.想っても 想っても 伝わらない

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Artist: Eve

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Eve - Adventure Log (冒険録) [Boukenroku] English Translation Lyrics