1.I wanna dance with you, forever, I wanna poke fun and play, forever
2.This sucks so bad, this countdown to bye-bye, not long now till it runs out, Fxxk
3.Hey, take me with you to the other side, “together forever” like on a playground, laugh around
4.But seriously, what’s up with my wish not coming true, Fxxk5.
6.You never ran out of love, I could always go back for seconds, there’s nobody like you
7.I’m sorry for all my left-overs, if I could do it all over, I’d for sure clear my plate
8.I’m melting! Feelin’ a bit blue as I avoid a sunburn, thinkin’ real hard before I hit that @ mention
9.I’m cryin’ on the inside, oh the things I wanted to tell you, now I’ll never have that chance10.
11.Everything I thought I did for you, it was actually all for me
12.To realize that now, I mean, how thick am I?
13.Here, take all of my oxygen, so in exchange, please please wake up14.
15.I wanna dance with you, forever, I wanna poke fun and play, forever
16.This sucks so bad, this countdown to bye-bye, not long now till it runs out, Fxxk
17.Hey, take me with you to the other side, “together forever” like on a playground, laugh around
18.But seriously, what’s up with my wish not coming true, Fxxk19.
20.The other side of LOVE, is still LOVE, there’s no relief, my future’s so bleak
21.I turn the back of my eyelids into a movie screen, showing snapshots of our memories
22.My tears blur the images, and I wonder, is this how memories fade?
23.Will I ever get over you? What would you wish for, I wonder?24.
25.I want to move on, I want to close this chapter26.
27.I wanted to dance with you, forever, I wanted for us to poke fun and play, forever
28.The best days of our lives are coming to an end, not long now till it runs out, Fxxk
29.Hey, I can’t go with you to the other side, “together forever” can’t keep that promise
30.So sorry for leaving you solo31.
32.Cuz I want to remember forever, cuz I don’t want to forget a thing
33.It’s okay, you can laugh and call me a sap, let me wallow, Fxxk
34.If we meet again on the other side, “together forever” like on a playground, laugh around
35.Please break this spell you’ve cast on me, Fxxk36.
37.The time I’ll spend with somebody else, it’s basically all dead rubber
38.The disease that kills euphoria and butterflies, only you know the cure
39.If we meet again on the other side, “together forever” like on a playground, laugh around
40.Please break this spell you’ve cast on me, Fxxk
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