Aitai-lians Lyrics (Romanized)

Cover art for『DECO*27 - Aitai-lians』from the release『Aitai-lians』
Alternate Title: Aitai Seijin
Original Title: あいたい星人


Release: 2024.05.11
Lyricist: DECO*27
Composer: DECO*27
Arranger: DECO*27Hayato Yamamoto

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English Translation: Aitai-lians English Translation
1.Aa mou kao suki koe suki yasashisa ga suki
2.Imi wakaran toko de warau no suki
3.Suki dainari mendoi wa subarashii
4.Demo sugu irekawaru rashii PiPi5.
6.Nee aitai uu aitai haa aitai moo aitai
7.Na no ni aenai uu aenai haa aenai mou aenai8.

11.Omae no “mata ne” no sei da kusottare
12.Douka oshiawase ni BAD baibai
13.Mada izonchuu demo shiran fuu wo yosootte ii ko yarun da haha14.
15.Wareware wa aitai seijin da
16.Kokoro ni ana no aita iseijin da
17.Tagiru won chuu LOVE no kaijuu
18.Dare ga yattsukete kurerun dakke na19.
20.Aa mou dare sore atashi no hou ga ii shitto
21.Kimi e no ai wa atashi ga kami
22.Mada maniau hora okottenai shitto
23.Motosaya kamon nee daarin PiPi24.
25.Nee aitai uu aitai haa aitai moo aitai
26.Na no ni aenai uu aenai haa aenai mou aenai27.
30.Atashi wo sutete egao to ka shinjae
31.Zenbu yurushita no ni BAD baibai
32.Ai wa roonchuu rishi mo choushuu nigereru tte maji de omou no? haha33.
34.Wareware wa aitai seijin da
35.Uragirimono wa kowasu iseijin da
36.Tagiru won chuu LOVE no kaijuu
37.Dare ga yattsukete kurerun dakke na38.
39.Aitai uu aitai haa aitai moo aitai
40.Na no ni aenai konna hoshi nante konagona ni shitemo ii yo ne41.
42.Omae no “mata ne” no sei da kusottare
43.Douka oshiawase ni BAD baibai
44.Mada izonchuu demo shiran fuu wo yosootte ii ko yarun da haha45.
46.Wareware wa aitai seijin da
47.Kimi ga aishite kureta iseijin da
48.Saraba won chuu LOVE no kaijuu
49.Kimi ni yattsukete hoshikattan da yo50.
51.Tsugi no hoshi made nankounen?
52.Ai to midori yutaka na mai gaaden wa shitto noudo de ondanka
53.Saraba won chuu LOVE no kaijuu
54.Kimi ni yattsukete hoshikattan da yo55.
56.Wareware wa aitai hoshi hito da

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English: Aitai-lians English Translation

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Artist: DECO*27
(Based on):
Official Full

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Transliterated by:
Editor, Romaji TranscriberLyrical Nonsense
  • DECO*27 - Aitai-lians Lyrics (Romanized)

  • DECO*27 - Aitai Seijin Lyrics (Romanized)

  • DECO*27 - あいたい星人 Lyrics (Romanized)

6.ねえ あいたい うーあいたい はぁあいたい もーあいたい
7.なのにあえない うーあえない はぁあえない もうあえない8.
11.お前の「またね」のせいだ くそったれ
12.どうかお幸せに BADバイバイ
13.まだ依存中 でも知らん風を装って良い子やるんだハハ14.
17.滾るウォンチュー LOVEの怪獣
20.あーもう誰それあたしのほうがいい 嫉妬
22.まだ間に合う ほら怒ってない 嫉妬
23.元サヤかもん ねえだぁりんPiPi24.
25.ねえ あいたい うーあいたい はぁあいたい もーあいたい
26.なのにあえない うーあえない はぁあえない もうあえない27.
30.あたしを捨てて笑顔とか 死んじゃえ
31.全部許したのに BADバイバイ
32.愛はローン中 利子も徴収 逃げれるってまじで思うの?ハハ33.
36.滾るウォンチュー LOVEの怪獣
39.あいたい うーあいたい はぁあいたい もーあいたい
40.なのにあえない こんな星なんて 粉々にしてもいいよね41.
42.お前の「またね」のせいだ くそったれ
43.どうかお幸せに BADバイバイ
44.まだ依存中 でも知らん風を装って良い子やるんだハハ45.
48.さらばウォンチュー LOVEの怪獣
53.さらばウォンチュー LOVEの怪獣

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English: Aitai-lians English Translation

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Artist: DECO*27
1.Ahhh, that face, that voice, those chill vibes, love so much
2.You LOLing at the randomest thing, love so much
3.LOVE>a pain, that’s incredible
4.But that equation flips so easy, don’t you know, PiPi5.
6.(hey) miss you, (grrr) wanna see you, (sigh) where are you, (gaaa) I need you
7.(but) can’t have you, (grrr) can’t see you, (sigh) can’t find you, (gaaa) can’t hold you8.
9.Kill me now10.
11.You throwin’ around that “Later!”, such a bitch ass move
12.You deserve happiness, NOT! BAD-BYE-BYE
13.Still addicted, but actin’ stupid, and pretending to be a good girl, HA-HA14.
15.“Hello earthlings, Aitai-lians, we are”
16.“Blackholes for hearts we carry, aliens from afar, we are”
17.Can’t quell this “want you”, a Loversaurus
18.Wait, who was the hero of this story, huh, can’t remember19.
20.Oooh, who dis? I’m so much better, I’m green-eyed, shit
21.As for lovin’ you, can’t beat me in that department
22.It’s not too late, see I ain’t mad, I’m green-eyed, shit
23.I’m so game for another go, what’d you say darling, PiPi24.
25.(hey) miss you, (grrr) where are you, (sigh) callin’ you again, (gaaa) r u ghosting me?
26.(but) can’t have you, (grrr) can’t find you, (sigh) can’t reach you, (gaaa) can’t escape you27.
28.Kill me now29.
30.You dumped me but you’re smiling, seriously go kill yourself already
31.To think I forgave everything, BAD-BYE-BYE
32.I hold the mortgage on your love, hand over the interest, think you can outrun me? HA-HA33.
34.“Hello earthlings, Aitai-lians, we are”
35.“Traitors we annihilate, aliens from afar, we are”
36.Can’t quell this “want you”, a Loversaurus
37.Wait, who was the hero of this story, huh, can’t remember38.
39.(hey) miss you, (grrr) where are you, (sigh) no seriously, (gaaa) don’t test me
40.(but) can’t have you, a planet this dreadful, I’m allowed to destroy it, right?41.
42.You throwin’ around that “Later!”, such a bitch ass move
43.You deserve happiness, NOT! BAD-BYE-BYE
44.Still addicted, but actin’ stupid, and pretending to be a good girl, HA-HA45.
46.“Hello earthlings, Aitai-lians, we are”
47.“Love us, you did, aliens from afar, we are”
48.Goodbye to “want you”, a Loversaurus
49.I wanted you to be the hero of this story, you know50.
51.How many light-years till the next planet?
52.My sweet garden of love and greenery, it’s burnin’ up with too much “greeeeeeen-eyed” pollution in the air
53.Goodbye to “want you”, a Loversaurus
54.I wanted you to be the hero of this story, you know55.
56.“Hello earthlings, Aitai-lians, we are”

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English: Aitai-lians English Translation

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Artist: DECO*27
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DECO*27『Aitai-lians』Official Music Video


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DECO*27 - Aitai-lians (あいたい星人) [Aitai Seijin] Lyrics (Romanized)