Acacia English Translation

Original Title: アカシア


Release: 2020.11.04
Lyricist: Motoo Fujiwara
Composer: Motoo Fujiwara

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Original Lyrics: Acacia Lyrics (Romanized)

Let’s go—a crystal clear light is waiting for us.
That’s how this all began, with a reason so bright that it could make us forget.

Even in the pouring rain, we still stomp and shout to see who’s the loudest.
We can keep singing without the sun—from your voice, from my voice, the world sings as one.

The day that I found you, you found me, too.
Now whenever our eyes meet, our laughter says more than our words.

We’re still a long way from where we want to go, but I could stay here for the rest of my life.
Next to you (next to you), here by your side, my soul cries out that this is where I belong.
Through tears, through laughter, through good times or bad,
I want you (next to me) in the good seats, our breaths in perfect harmony.

For you, your steps are bigger than mine. No doubt, that’s your strength.
For me, my steps are more than yours. No doubt, that’s my strength.

In the dark unknown, let’s compare our fears and laugh as we go.
Even without the sun, we can still go on. A world where we shine awaits us.

I kept silent about things I couldn’t say. I didn’t know the meaning of my scars.
Despite that, when I meet your eyes, I can smile even with the tears.

Rather than a helping hand after a fall, rather than gentle words,
I want you to stay by me (by me), and believe that together we can go anywhere.
When we reach our destination, when we reach our dreams
I definitely want to be (next to you), in the scenery reflected in your eyes.

That light,
I see it because I met you. That light,
let’s go check it out!

No matter what fate awaits us, I’ll take your hand in mine and never let go.
Next to you (next to you), here by your side, our souls cry out that this is where we belong.
And when our reasons shine bright, embracing us in their light,
I want you to see how you look in my eyes, next to me (next to me) in the good seats.

I want you to know that you’re here.

That’s how this all began.

That’s how this all began.

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  • BUMP OF CHICKEN - Acacia English Translation

  • BUMP OF CHICKEN - アカシア English Translation

透明よりも綺麗な あの輝きを確かめにいこう
そうやって始まったんだよ たまに忘れるほど強い理由

冷たい雨に濡れる時は 足音比べ 騒ぎながらいこう
太陽の代わりに唄を 君と僕と世界の声で

いつか君を見つけた時に 君に僕も見つけてもらったんだな
今 目が合えば笑うだけさ 言葉の外側で

ゴールはきっとまだだけど もう死ぬまでいたい場所にいる
隣で (隣で) 君の側で 魂がここだよって叫ぶ
泣いたり笑ったりする時 君の命が揺れる時
誰より (近くで) 特等席で 僕も同じように 息をしていたい

君の一歩は僕より遠い 間違いなく君の凄いところ
足跡は僕の方が多い 間違いなく僕の凄いところ

真っ暗闇が怖い時は 怖さを比べ ふざけながらいこう
太陽がなくたって歩ける 君と照らす世界が見える

言えない事 聞かないままで 消えない傷の意味 知らないままで
でも 目が合えば笑えるのさ 涙を挟んでも

転んだら手を貸してもらうよりも 優しい言葉選んでもらうよりも
隣で (隣で) 信じて欲しいんだ どこまでも一緒にいけると
ついに辿り着くその時 夢の正体に触れる時
必ず (近くで) 一番側で 君の目に映る 景色にいたい

君に会えたから見えた あの輝きを

どんな最後が待っていようと もう離せない手を繋いだよ
隣で (隣で) 君の側で 魂がここがいいと叫ぶ
そして理由が光る時 僕らを理由が抱きしめる時
誰より (近くで) 特等席で 僕の見た君を 君に伝えたい

君がいる事を 君に伝えたい


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BUMP OF CHICKEN - Acacia (アカシア) English Translation Lyrics