1.My feelings for you slowly melt away
2.Words are more precarious than anything, sharp and pure like ice
3.I remember how to miss the last train
4.But it’s useless on a night like this5.
6.A cool breeze blows, my ride arrives first
7.With a rhythm of bye-byes, I start running, the sound of my footsteps slipping through the door8.
9.I don’t have love, just high-purity affection
10.Even if my heart screams, I want to smile at it
11.I want to see how far I can go without love, with this experimental affection
12.I’m the youngest now, I want to keep shining forever13.
14.The destination and future we’ve reached aren’t here
15.Because I know that love alone won’t last long
16.A poisonous monster, keep your body temperature up
17.If the moon is beautiful tonight, let’s become accomplices18.
19.I kiss your profile, sorry for always being selfish
20.I want it to hurt enough to stay stuck and not be pulled out
21.I love you, you know22.
23.I don’t have love, just high-purity affection
24.Even if my heart screams, I want to smile without fear
25.I want to see how far I can go without love, with this experimental affection
26.I’m the youngest now, I want to keep shining forever27.
28.In the prison cell, the two dreamt of eternity and headed towards love
29.I wonder if they can breathe, please keep not being able to
30.I’ll keep loving you forever
Translated by:
Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.
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