Floral Haven Lyrics (Romanized)

Cover art for『Roselia - Floral Haven』from the release『Floral Haven』


BanG Dream! Girls Band Party Song バンドリ! ガールズバンドパーティ!
Release: 2024.05.27
Lyricist: Asuka Oda (Elements Garden)
Composer: Ryutaro Fujinaga (Elements Garden)
Arranger: Ryutaro Fujinaga (Elements Garden)

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English Translation: Floral Haven English Translation
1.Tsukiru koto naku maiodoru hanabira tachi ga
2.Hikari to nari shizuku to nari
3.Unmei ni megumi wo motarasu ai to tomo ni4.
5.Furikaereba nagai you de mijikai you de
6.Wasurenai nanimo kamo taisetsu datta koto wo7.
8.Takumashiku sekai wo irodotte
9.Taezu kansha wo neiro ni kome10.

11.Kono gonin to iu ibasho ni ne wo oroshi
12.Takusan no hanabana wo sakasete kita
13.Utsurou kisetsu mo sugiyuku jidai no naka mo
14.Kawarazu koko de utau wa15.
16.Konna ni mo ookiku miagereba sore wa mabushiku
17.Arashi wo taiyou wo kate ni doko made mo18.
19.Edaha wo nobashi sora takaku minoru tsubomi20.
21.Kata wo yoseatte toki ni butsukatte
22.Katariai kanadeai uta wo tsumugi
23.Hajimari no hana wa mune no oku de azayaka ni
24.Kawarazu tomo ni aru no25.
26.Aisuru ongaku to kakegae no nai anata tachi to27.
28.Osore nado nai subete ga michitariteiru
29.Meguriau inochi tsumugarete yuku yorokobi
30.Sorezore utsukushii donna hana mo31.
32.Kono gonin to iu ibasho ni ne wo oroshi
33.Takusan no hanabana wo sakasete kita
34.Utsurou kisetsu mo sugiyuku jidai no naka mo
35.Tokoshie ni tada ai shi
36.Kawarazu koko de utau wa37.
38.I will be right here…

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English: Floral Haven English Translation

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Artist: Roselia
Tie-in: BanG Dream! Girls Band Party バンドリ! ガールズバンドパーティ!
(Based on):
Official Full

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Transliterated by:
Romaji TranscriberLyrical Nonsense
  • Roselia - Floral Haven Lyrics (Romanized)

  • BanG Dream! Girls Band Party Song Lyrics (Romanized)

1.尽きることなく 舞い踊る花びら達が
2.光となり 雫となり
3.運命に恵みをもたらす 愛と共に4.
5.振り返れば 長いようで短いようで
6.忘れない 何もかも大切だったことを7.
13.移ろう季節も 過ぎゆく時代の中も
16.こんなにも大きく 見上げればそれは眩しく
17.嵐を 太陽を糧に 何処までも18.
19.枝葉を伸ばし 空高く実る蕾20.
21.肩を寄せ合って 時にぶつかって
22.語り合い 奏で合い 歌を紡ぎ
23.始まりの花は 胸の奥で鮮やかに
26.愛する音楽と かけがえのない貴方達と27.
28.恐れなどない 全てが満ち足りている
29.巡り合う命 紡がれてゆく喜び
30.それぞれ美しい どんな花も31.
34.移ろう季節も 過ぎゆく時代の中も
35.とこしえに ただ愛し
38.I will be right here…

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English: Floral Haven English Translation

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Artist: Roselia
Tie-in: BanG Dream! Girls Band Party バンドリ! ガールズバンドパーティ!
1.Endlessly, the dancing petals
2.Become light and droplets
3.Bringing blessings to fate, together with love4.
5.When I look back, it feels both long and short
6.I won’t forget that everything was precious7.
8.Beautifully coloring the world
9.Constantly putting gratitude into melodies10.
11.Taking root in the place where the five of us belong
12.We’ve bloomed many flowers
13.Through changing seasons and passing eras
14.I’ll sing here unchanged15.
16.So grand, when I look up it’s dazzling
17.Nourished by storms and the sun, to anywhere18.
19.Branches and leaves extend, buds bear fruit high in the sky20.
21.Leaning on each other, sometimes clashing
22.Talking, playing, weaving songs together
23.The flower of the beginning blooms vividly in our hearts
24.Always with us unchanged25.
26.With the music we love and you, who are irreplaceable27.
28.There is no fear, everything is fulfilled
29.The joy of lives meeting and weaving together
30.Every flower is beautiful, no matter which one31.
32.Taking root in the place where the five of us belong
33.We’ve bloomed many flowers
34.Through changing seasons and passing eras
35.Eternally, just loving
36.I’ll sing here unchanged37.
38.I will be right here…

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English: Floral Haven English Translation

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Artist: Roselia
Tie-in: BanG Dream! Girls Band Party バンドリ! ガールズバンドパーティ!
Translated by:
Chief Editor, English Translator, Romaji TranscriberLyrical Nonsense

Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.

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Roselia - Floral Haven Lyrics (Romanized)